
Will this trick stop nailbiting?

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Ok so my grandma has this trick That I think will work for all you nail bitters that want to stop

you need:Vick's Vapor rub and A Q -tip

Instructions:open up the Vick's vaporub and take your Q-tip and take a small amount of Vick's vaporub with the Q-tip then apply to nail then wait for the Vick's vaporub to melt and then it will dry

Why does it work ? this works because the Vaporub has a very strong smell and bad taste and when your also about to bite your nails you can smell the strong odor that makes you wanna stop TIP:after you are complete sure you have gotten over your nail biting start usng Sally Hansen's nail hardener to start to strengthen your weak nails

do you think this will work for a freinds nail bitting please let me know and yes the Vicks vaporub does kinda melt so yeah for those of you that are confused




  1. ive bit my nails all my life. The only thing that ive found that works is to keep nail polish on at all times. The you will taste the polish and stop yourself. Also, it reminds you to keep your nails looking pretty. Plus, if you think about all the germs under your nails, that will gross you out.

    dont know about the vaporub thing. I do know that they make special nail polish (clear im sure) that tastes horrible and is supposed to keep u from biting.

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