
Will this winter be another cold one, or will it be warmer because of global warming?

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Non scientific question - Last year's winter was unusually brutal with more snow and cold than in the last 50 years.

Will the winter of 2008 - 2009 be colder than last year, or will it be warmer because of global warming?





    has forecasts for 7 sections of the U. S., and 5 in Canada.

  2. In Pennsylvania it was a rather mild winter last year.

    Weather is a noisy system and we can't really say what will happen in any particular year.

  3. It all depends upon solar cycle 24 and this la Nina pattern.  If the Sun remains inactive for the remainder of the year....better bundle up or start heading South for the winter.

  4. WHATEVER happens it will be because of global warming.

    If it's warm, global warming.   If it's cold, with cold snaps and heavy snow, THAT will be because of global warming.

    If it's a mild December and then an arctic January, THAT will be because of global warming.

    It's now a rigged game - they can't tell you whether it'll be snake eyes, sixes or anything in between - but they have a bet on every possible outcome.   WHATEVER happens, one of the AGW proponents has written an article that says THAT'S what we can expect with more CO2 emissions.

    It doesn't MATTER that there are ten other articles that say something else entirely will happen.

  5. GW in a farce or just p**p that the left has shoveled onto our plates. Be cautious of what you listen to in the media, most of the information is tainted with demo-c**p.

  6. Yes-- I am casting my bets with this NON EVENT- no sunspot  solar cycle.

    Cold weather again is my belief.

  7. No one knows. They can't predict weather accurately, nor can they predict climate accurately.

    It's just a guessing game.

  8. global warming exagerates normal weather, so if its a 70 dergree day last year itd be 55-65 the next year if in the winter itd be colder than last yr and n the summer it will be hotter then last year.

  9. Up here in the upper Midwest it was a cool spring and pretty close to a normal summer.   I predict the winter will be normal or on the cool side.

  10. It will be cold. I believe that we are in a natural warming period. History has shown that we have had an ice age and a mini ice age in the 13th and 14th century. It takes hundreds of years before the climate has warmed. This is mother nature and man can not stop her. I'm surprised that North America hasn't become a desert by now. It could happen in the future. People talk about global warming being caused by CO2 which is produced by man. They must not know that CO2 is a natural accruing substance. The oceans produce huge amounts of CO2.

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