
Will this work for a smoke bomb?

by  |  earlier

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Would this work if I put loads of pine needles (fresh green ones) into a tin foil and wrap it, then light it? I need maximum smoke.

How else could I make a simple cheap smoke bomb without nitrate whatever ping pong balls or any other chemical, like home stuff (sugar, salt, balloons, stuff at home) without going to the store to buy something?




  1. wrong section dude

  2. green pine needles do not burn. But they do smoke when u throw them on a fire because of the water in them. As the needles sit on the fire and dry, the water gets sent off as steam<<white smoke.

    when the needles are dry enough, THEN they will burn but the smoke will not be so colored. mostly invisible but some black if u have enough.

    any wet stuff works to do the white steam. especially spraying a hose lightly on the fire.

    i know how to do bomb or smoke, not both. but the balloons you said reminded me u CAN fill balloons with water, ha ha. colored water even. <<these are fun to shoot with a rubberband gun, like hang the balloons and you can even set them swinging if u want it to be harder to hit them.

    to make smoke>use baking soda and vinegar. reaction lasts a few minutes. makes carbon dioxide gas which can actually kill/suffocate you if you had a room full. anything over 2500 parts per million in the air is not okay.

    to make bomb>put water and dry ice in a plastic soda bottle or such and lightly cap. run away. Actually u might want to check this out to see if anyone will give u an exact recipe because i hate for you to use too little and end up with a primed but undischarged bottle. i am guessing it will be at least 5 cubic inches of ice at and a 1/3 of a bottle full of water/a two-liter soda bottle.

    more ice would be okay but the more you use, the faster you have to be able to run.

    i think with that size you have to stand 50 feet away. having a barrier is always better if u are unsure.

    if you tested and got the timing of the explosion right, you could figure how much to use for a throwing bomb. use enough so it discharges upon impact. keep in mind it will discharge quicker if it is being shaken.

    the dry ice bomb also releases carbon dioxide. the dry ice IS carbon dioxide but it is frozen<<<by the way, that dry ice is so very cold that it WILL burn you if you touch it.

    ^^you have seen the jokes about people getting their tongues stuck to poles/metal in the winter? and those poles are not as cold as dry ice.

    so do not touch it. use gloves and tools to handle and crack/cut it into pieces.

    the water melts the ice and changes the frozen co2 into a gaseous/more expanded state. It expands so much that it blows up the bottle.

    more on bombs at "bombshock" but like u said>>chems are not for play sometimes. <<besides they can get u arrested by people who do not understand.

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