
Will this work ?.?.?

by  |  earlier

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I have a relative who is a busy-mouth and she's coming over tonight....

if I was to give her mega-sized gob stopper do you think it would keep her quiet for a while??




  1. Nope. Make some really good food instead and get her too keep eating!

  2. haha!

    Yupp get the biggest one possible

    lol i have a cousin like that< cant stop talkin lol :P

  3. Thats not me above~!

  4. Lolz..............

    you are so funny!

    Ok give her... but I'd like to enjoy the chat!

  5. Lol, that's cruel. But it'll work. And if she's that talkative, get a couple.  

  6. Yea, get the really sour kind.  She won't be able to talk since she'll be making sour faces all night~!

  7. i LOVE your description !!! busy mouth hahahaha.

    buy 2 just in case, and a ton of extra sticky toffee., have a nice evening  xx

  8. what the h**l is a gob stopper???????????

    answer this;...

  9. hahaha lol

    yeah you could....but wouldnt that be cruel?

    and as far as i know you (from Y!A) you dont sound like a cruel person

  10. Just tell her something came up and she cant come over tonight !i

  11. what is mega-sized gob stopper?

  12. if i were you i would be more generous lol

  13. yeah and make it a sour one so she will make funny faces and you can have a good laugh :)
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