
Will this work? setting up 2-3 drum racks on top of each other? read the whole thing?

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ok so my friend is deciding that he is going to do some extreme stuff with his drum set

one of his ideas involves setting up 2 or 3 drum racks set up on top of another to form a sort of cage, and somehow mounting his bass drum(s) on one, and having another bass drum where it would normally go, and have a whole huge set of pedal on the ground, two for his double bass pedal that he already has, and two for the double bass he plans to have mounted in the air,and the other for his hi-hat and all that, but he has concerns about running lengths of chain all the way in the air, up a second rack and to his bass drum, that it will be heavy and all sluggish

he already has one gridaltar drum rack(if thats how you spell it)

and uses a single bass drum with a double pedal

who think this is a cool idea and if it would work

h**l probably have some cymbals hanging down from it too if it can be set up

its just something new, a little unique,which is why we want to try it




  1. Is he just trying to add a second set of drums & cymbals on the same pedals, or adding another set with its own pedals, but long extensions? I think the second one would be silly, since he only has two feet. For the first idea, it would take twice as much effort, if you tie two pedals together, unless you make the foot pedal he touches longer (longer lever, less effort to push it). That would work, but in most bands, it isn't the drums that need to be louder.

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