
Will three male hamsters fight?

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I'm getting 3 baby hamsters tomorrow and I want to put them in the same cage. Right now they get along very well, in fact they even snuggle together, but I'm worried that once they grow up they will fight alot. Should I get 3 cages?




  1. I think if they grow up together they should  be fine.

  2. i have 3 male syrian hammys in the same cage. they are brothers. they have arguments but at the end of the day they curl up and just wanna be w/ each other!! i would hate 2 split em up. it just all depends on the hamster!! a big way to stop fights is to put 3 different food bowls in the cage!! but i dont think you will have a problem!! but if ya do then u know they need seperate cages

  3. i had three male hamsters grow up together from babies and they never fought once.  however, some hamsters can be very territorial so it may be possible.  i would say as long as they get along they will be okay together but if you start to see any fighting, as in they get into a ball and start biting each other, then seperate them ASAP.

    oops, i did forget to add if they are syrian they have to remain alone.  they are solitary by nature when it comes to other hamsters but super friendly to their owners.

  4. Once they reach maturity they will start to fight.

  5. It is very likely that when they reach sexual maturity they will start to fight.

  6. First off In This case.

    Syrains or dwarfs?

    Syrains AKA the big hamsters no matter what the pet store calls them are syrains. cant be housed together at all.

    if your getting dwarfs your fine just get a big cage.

  7. Theoretically dwarf hamsters from the same litter and same age group can stay together in the same cage. However it has always been a skewed probability since sometimes, dwarfs from the same litter can also fight with one another if one decided to exhibit a dominant trait over others. The best way to judge this is only by trial and error. In my experience, I have also noted Campbells getting along better in a gang than Winter whites but this is not a general rule and only my personal experience. Go ahead and put the three in the same cage but be prepared if they start fighting viciously. Since hamsters start showing territorial tendencies only after 3 months of age, you have ample time to buy a new cage if and should one of your three hamsters decide to be the "king" of the cage.

    Most dwarfs tend to playfight or fight over resources. You can minimise fights over resources by making sure the cage is spacious enough and preferably have three of everything in the cage - food dishes,water bottles and exercise wheels - so that they do not have fights when all three want to do the same thing at the same time.

  8. if they are syrian (normal) hamsters, YES. they will fight. hamsters are solitary and territorial. hamsters will fight to the death, and bully other hamster by not letting them eat drink or run on the wheel.

    dwarf hamsters nope. they want to live in groups or pairs.

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