
Will tomorrow be the Summer Solstice in Australia too?

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Since our Summer Solstice is tomorrow (June 20th)will it already have happened in Australia..since they're a day ahead of us?




  1. June 20, 2008, 23:59 UTC is the Summer Solstice for the Northern Hemisphere and the Winter Solstice for the Southern Hemisphere.  This is exactly the same time for all points on Earth.  However, Mean Local Time will differ with longitude.  In NYC it will be 20:59 EST, and in Sidney it will be 09:59 on the 21st.

  2. Uh, winter solstice (since we have reversed seasons to you) is today, the 20th of June, as far as I know.

  3. Long days in the north mean short days in the south.  It's winter in Australia, so it's their Winter Solstice.

  4. Hi Deenie,

    It is our Winter Solstice here tomorrow (June 21st) as it is tomorrow here today!!

    When we have winter, it is your summer, when we have summer it is your winter.

    For example, when we celebrate Christmas, we do not have a "White Christmas" and it ie even 100deg (F) Christmas day sometimes!! I remember a few years ago on the Gold Coast, Queensland, it reached about 110!! Now that was hot...

    But seriously, back to question at hand. Solstices occur twice a year, when the tilt of the Earth's axis is most oriented towards or away from the Sun, causing the Sun to reach its northernmost and southernmost extremes.

    Thus why it is opposite for each hemisphere.

    FYI - the Earth is tilted on its axis at about 23.5 degrees. On its yearly orbit of the sun, this tilt is why we have seasons. Distance from the sun has very little to do with seasons. Although in your summer, the earth is a few million miles closer to the Sun than in your winter. This is because our orbit is elongated i.e. not quite circular.

    Hope this helps :-)

  5. saturday the 21st june is the shortest day in australia

  6. I think so!

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