
Will truckers shut down when diesel fuel reachs $4.00 a gallon ?

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My brother said his company has informed him , that when it reachs $4 , they are shutting down and it's at 3.89 now




  1. I think they should all shut down,to prove a point.

    Diesel is supposed to be cheaper than gas,because it takes less to refine and is a direct by product of crude.Gas takes longer to refine,to take out all of the by products.

    I used to be a truck driver and was involved in a possible nationwide strike in '92,because of the same situation going on now.

  2. There's a lot of places where fuel topped 4.00 per gallon two or three weeks ago.  Plenty of trucks still running.

    Depends on the state- lowest I've seen is in Oregon where it was in the $3.70-something range.  

    I still don't think the big companies are going to shut down, come h**l or high water.  Even if fuel got so high that even THEY couldn't afford to carry on, they'd be the first to get bailed out by the government.  Just like the airlines.

  3. no they shall simply pass it along to the consumer and you shall pay more for the products you use day to day as all things are in one form or another delivered by truck

  4. The time to act is April 1st-3rd that is the buzz I hear! I plan to join shutdown in support of independent truckers. This industry is out of control. We haul freight for less that we got 5 years ago and with fuel costs and insurance rates that have sky rocketed. Also brokers that steal the fair rates that were intended for the truckers! Enough is enough, lets take a stand and get noticed. OOIDA is behind us calling for a 24 hr shutdown on the 1st of April. No fools there, By us making it a 3 day event fuel prices will drop some according to industry annalists due to supply and demand. Join the fight brothers and sisters.

  5. Yes, Owner/Operators should shut down to fight these prices!! My father is an O/O and is supporting this idea. He cant make a profit with all the expenses that owning a rig entails, let alone paying out 2/3 of his paycheck for fuel. Something has to be done and if this is what it takes, fine!! I am all for them.

  6. Truckers will never shut down because of fuel prices? And why would they? Without trucks, America would practically grind to a halt. Trucking companies will just charge more to compensate for the increasing price of driving.

  7. It is already $ 4.25 in my part of North Carolina.

  8. just more sur charges and high prices like 3.69 for bread

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