
Will two male gouramis fight over a female gourami if they are in the same tank while shes full of eggs?

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I have two male gouramis and I was wondering if I could put them both in with my female gourami who is full of eggs and ready to burst!!! HELP!!




  1. Some gouramis are aggressive and some are peaceful. If you are keeping kissing gourami, giant gourami, dwarf and flame gourami, they won't fight with each other. If you want to breed them, one male and two females would be a better choice.

    Gouramis unlike cichlids who aggressively protect their fry from other fishes, gouramis are more careful parents who might eat their fry when female gourami releases it.

  2. gouramis can fight over nothing-depends what type they are. are you sure the female is full of eggs and it's not dropsy?

  3. only put one male in, and if you haven't already done it please put your female into a tank on her own, she will only cope with one male, he will  help get her eggs out, then remove him once the fry are free swimming

  4. More than likely they will fight period.  2 Males in tank, usually dont do too well...with a few more than 2 it could be ok...but I would think the more dominate one will chase the other one into submission.  And with a Pregnant female...just adds more choas to the tank.

    Best of Luck!

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