
Will u dry quiker if u wer drenched in warm..............water please answer?

by  |  earlier

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sos me not get any answers in other cat so me ask here

if u were covered in warm water would u drie quiqer as it being hot or will it be the same as cold water




  1. Well technically you would dry faster due to evaporation. It's like when you wash the dishes, if you rinse them in hot water they'll dry faster than if you rinse them in cold water. However, people aren't dishes, we sweat when we get hot so if you get drenched in hot water, the water may evaporate faster than cold water would however your skin would still feel soaked because you would be sweating heaps too. Hope this helps.

  2. technically you would dry faster because it would evaporate faster but the difference is minimal.

    but why would you need to know that ?!?!?!?

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