
Will u ever go 2 africa and help ppl?why?

by Guest66017  |  earlier

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no need 2 be rude gal,i ws just wonderin n c hw many ppl wil answer this question nd i dont think that way bout africa




  1. since i'm African, I would like to help, but i know that due to the corrupt governments, the aid will not help the citizens and instead will go to the politicians for their personal use

  2. I agree with the person above. i'm from south africa but I don't need your help, thanx. of course there are hungry poor Africans, just like there are poor Americans, Asians, Indians, South Americans etc. i don't like it when ppl come with this attitude that all africans are starving with ribs sticking out and flies around their mouth. i'm sure there are people in ur own countries who also need your help. But please don't come with the condescending "i'm going to go help Africa" attitude. Help if you really mean it, and don't assume that all africans need your help

  3. No, because there are just as many people here in America that need help.

    I  donate money and goods to local charities only.

  4. Yes. because I was born and raised there, and regardless of how proud we are, I know my people do need and will appreciate some help.

  5. no. because i live in africa and do not need any help.

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