
Will u let your kids use some second hand clothes??

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esp from someone kids u don't really know of...

do kids have body odor too???




  1. Just wash the clothes real good before using them. If they were still in good condition then yes I'd still use them.

  2. bought 2nd hand all the time when they were little.  Take them home and wash them, bleach if you like.  Kids grow out of so many of their close before they wear them out.

    Yes, kids have body odor too.

  3. with the fast rate that kids outgrow stuff i think its foolish to buy everything brand new all the time. as long as the items are in good condition why not? just make sure and wash them before you use them.  

  4. I already do let my daughter wear second hand clothes. And yes, from kids that I don't already know.

    Yes, kids can have body odor... especially if they're not bathed.

    Wash the clothes thoroughly before you let your children wear the clothes, if the odor is all you are worried about.

  5. yes i would. if i didn't know, i would just wash them. they are still clothes.i dont know if kids have boy odor. but everyone has a scent to them.  

  6. Why would you advise someone to give their cheating girlfriend another chance? Unless you are a cheater as well!

    I would let my kids wear second hand clothes- I would be faithful to their mother!

  7. well my baby when it gets here is going to have some handed down clothes from my sisters kids, get some drift and wash them, its just like washing your own clothing. There is nothing wrong with handed down clothes because your baby will shoot through them anyways.

  8. I get my daughter clothes at our local second hand store (not Goodwill) fairly often. She will start school this year with jeans from True Religion, Seven for all Mankind, Lucky, and the Gap which we got for about $10 each, plus capris from Union Bay, Gap and Lucky. The Union Bay and Gap ones were New with Tags.

    I don't find as much there for my kindergarten son -- I suppose boys are harder on their clothes -- but I have found dress shirts there from the Gap for him that are like new, and also little sweater vests, etc. for church and dress up. I wish they had more pants for his size, but like I said I suppose boys are harder on their clothes.

    I don't like Goodwill as much, but sometimes I find sweaters or dress pants there for my son.

    My husband wears size 34/36 pants and XLT shirts so usually I have to get his clothes from a catalog. Same with my teenage son -- size 40x38 pants and XXLT shirts.

    I don't have a problem with kids wearing second hand clothes. I always wash them first.

    Do kids have BO? Sometimes.

  9. I buy second hand clothes for my kids all the time. I look them over well before buying them if they are in good condition I get them. I wash everything before they wear it anyway regardless if it is new or used. Even new clothes are touched by a lot of people before they get to the store and are handled a lot there as well and those people could stink too LOL

    My kids clothes look just as nice as all the other kids clothes, I just paid less for them. I do buy them new clothes as well but if I find nice ones that are second hand I definitely will get those too.

  10. The clothes are clean you know.  They don't smell like BO.

    Yep, my kids use them all the time.  My tot now uses my older daughter's old clothes.  My daughter used to get a bunch from a friend, but now she's moved away.  However, my daughter is older now and picky about what her clothes look like.  (no flowers, no pink, that sort of thing)

  11. Yes.

    If you think about it, most clothes are 'second hand'.  You go to a store and buy an outfit, you know that other kids could have tried it on.  Or, how about all the hands that touched it when it was made!?

    So, it's no big deal to me.  Just wash the clothes!

    (and p.s. Don't use Dreft, it's a rip off.  Any detergent that's "free and clear" is the same, and wayyyyy cheaper!  I use All Free and Clear)

  12. Yes, I adore the store 'Once Upon A Child'. As long as the clothes don't look worn out and you wash them after getting them. Then they're fine.

  13. oka ythis is what i have to say about this!!!!

    i have never stunk!i I have worn clothes from good will and cothes from others cause my mom was struggling and i had to make due!!! JUST WASH the clothes!!!! and put them on your child

  14. Yes and i will tell u why:  U can always wash the clothes to remove the odor and if they look like new and u can get them free or for practically nothing then u can get the odors outs too... My kids wear second hand clothes and they arent the least bit picky... and i just gave a really good friend of mine my sons second hand clothes and she has to clothe 7 kids and she was so appreciative.. there is nothing wrong with hand me downs and if u find this offensive then dont do it... go to consignment shops and get the clothes they are good quality and the odor is removed for u...

  15. I buy clothes for my 21 month old at the consignment store. I think of the clothes I had for him at home that I’ve donated to consignment stores, and some still had tags on them because they were never worn. Others he may have worn twice before he grew out of them. So just because they were donated, doesn’t mean they’re nasty, gross, and smelly. I wash all my clothes before donating them, to which the consignment shops wash them, to which they get washed again with whomever buys them before they allow their kids to wear them.

    I only shop at immaculate consignment shops. There have been some that I walked in and walked right back out. You just have to use your best judgement and if you think it gives you the willies, then go shop some place else. But I’ve had very good luck at consignment stores….

  16. There is nothing wrong with using second hand clothing as long as there are no stains or tears in them and you wash it before you put them on your child.

  17. My sons wear clothes from resale shops, it's an affordable and ecofriendly way to go.

    Yes kids have a smell, we all do that is different from b.o.  It comes from our MHC (major histo-compatibility complex) and it is one way we know family from stranger.  MHC can be sensed by most animals through urine, sweat, breath and our whole bodies but humans are less aware of it then other animals.  The nice thing about kids is that since they aren't really manufacturing sweat from apocrine glands (the sweat glands that also produce sebum that bacteria digest and make our bodies stinky with) yet - not until puberty, they don't really have a b.o. like adults do.  So simply washing second hand clothes gets the kids own personal odor out the way we can't really do with adults.

  18. Absolutely. There is nothing wrong with second hand clothing. Quality clothes that still look good and are washed well before using are clothes that no one even knows that they were some one else's first.

    And yes, kids can have body odor if they don't bath often and play hard. If you're worried about second hand clothing containing body odor, then wash in dreft and oxy-clean (which helps get out stains too).

  19. Not just clothes but toys and such that we pick up at garage sales.  I have even bought clothes at garage sales.  I wash everything first.  I know that I have donated or sold many items that are new or nearly new.  We have received gifts sometimes that have no tags or receipts and what do you do if they are too small or you don' t like them?  

    Let's keep the earth green, people!  REUSE, RECYCLE, RESTORE!

  20. I don't know were you live but in the area that I live in they have wonderful thrift stores (second hand stores, like the salvation army or the rescue mission).  You can find tons of stuff in them. Sometimes you can even find clothes with tags from the store still on them. Honey yes if I had kids your d**n right I'd be in there shopping for my kids especially when I know there going to be growing right out of them by next year.  So yeah, I would.   But I'd also wash them before I let them wear them.

  21. Good Lord, yes, on both questions!!!  

  22. Anything but bathing suits and underwear should be fine.

  23. resale shops are building by the dozens .. everyone needs to save a buck so sure I would let my son wear hand me downs.. I give his clothes to a man at my husbands work who has 5 boys and I know they could use the help and it is appreciated.  

  24. Heck Yes!  Especially for play clothes.  Never for school or something nice, but as play clothes or jammies, yes!

  25. Absolutely. I've found so many nice things for my son on ebay, from kids resale shops or even goodwill. I just recently won a lot of 5 Gap button down dress shirts on ebay for $20 from someone who's child wore them maybe once- they look brand new. Plus, it's fun to shop second hand and look for good deals. I've found plenty of Gap, Gymboree, Small Paul and Mini Boden that you can't even tell a child has worn. I guess kids might have body odor if they don't bathe often but not like adults lol. I haven't run into any smelly clothes while shopping for my son... if I did I just wouldn't buy them! And I wash all of my son's clothes before he wears them- second hand or not.

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