
Will u please just read the constitution and then make your own decision on what is happening to the US?

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i heard that challenge on the radio last night

it is a question btw

if anyone actually has read the Constitution, what are your conclusions on my question

sadly it's a known fact that americans are more knowledgeable about "The Simpson's" than the constitution and bill of rights




  1. The Constitution and Bill of Rights are good starting points perhaps for the basis of a more free country, but by themselves, or as they are currently, they do not go far enough in taking us to full personal responsible freedom.

    That's even disregarding the fact that we aren't even following the principles laid out in them as they are now.

    The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.....The supreme court rules this year that indeed the states CAN infringe on our rights to keep guns and they refused to take any stand on the "bearing" of the arms.  I don't know about you, but I think I can read and understand this amendment as well as anyone.

    Our country seems fully committed to spiraling further down the hole of socialism.

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