
Will u r willing to forgive your mother?

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ever since i moved out with my mother she always was hitting for no reason she used to hit me with broom and hanger's and stick's and she also grabbed my hair and trough me on the floor and pull me all over the house..

and she also grabbed my hair and burned on the stove.

my questions is simple if ur mother treat u like in the past are u willing to forgive her??

cause now thanks to her I cry every single night by just remembering all this??




  1. just  tell  here  way  you feel

  2. Forgiveness is more for your own good than for your mother's.  It's not to say that you condone what she did to you, because you don't.  But, forgiveness may be the way for you to move past this.  Don't beat yourself up if you are moving slowly toward forgiveness or even if you are just standing still doing nothing to try to forgive her.  That's normal.  It isn't always easy to forgive someone.

    For me, it would probably take years for me to forgive my own mother for abusing me....even if she was asking me to.

    Try to deal with things as they come up and try to move toward freeing yourself from the bonds she has on you.

    Good luck and God bless.

  3. By the sounds of it I think it is going to be a very long time before you are emotionally able to forgive your mother for the way she treated you.  

    Before you will ever be able to have a relationship with your mom you will need to forgive her.  What would really help in the process is for your mother to acknowledge what she did to you.  It would be even better if she asked you for your forgiveness but that does not always happen.

    It is important that you forgive your mother, not because she is your mother but so that you can move forward.

    I understand why you would be crying every night.  You have been traumatized.  If the crying persists I would recommend getting some one- on -one counseling to help you work through your past issues.  Otherwise they will paralyze you emotionally.

    Some people will say that she is your mother and you have to forgive her.  But as I've said that is not the compelling reason for forgiveness.  If we don't forgive the other person we allow what has happened to us to eat us from within like a malignancy and it can affect all of our relationships and how we perceive ourselves and others.   And that is not good.

    By forgiving we can then get on with our lives.  Sometimes forgiveness leads to restoration and the relationship is healed and re-established.  Sometimes not.  But at least there has been reconciliation.  And that is always a good thing.

  4. I could not forgive anyone who did that to me. Has she ask for forgiveness? Don't feel guilty about it. Go on and live a good life, because you are worth it! :-)

  5. There are a lot more important decisions than should you forgive your mother.

    The most important one is how you plan to move on from here and now. You have moved away from the situation are you going to let those ugly years dictate the rest of your life and rob you of happiness?

    You know what? If you are ever going to be happy you have to just move on with your life and do that. I am not saying you will ever forget those things - I am saying learn from them and move on.

    Make sure you are not like that with your kids. Make sure your life partner does not do those things to you.

    If you want to be happy, you will. You just have to decide the angry depression just isn't doing it for you.

    As for your mother, time heals and as you get older the relationship changes. Give it time. When you are ready to forgive her you will. Saying you forgive her don't make it so in your heart.

    Take some time to heal before you decide anything.

  6. Forgive her, also, remind her that she will be old one day and that you are going to do to her what she did to you.  Just kidding.  You won't forget what she did, but, forgiving her will make you a better person.

  7. Get professional help. If you still live with her then if possible change that. Report the police. It is a crime to abuse anybody. And in my view taking abuse is a crime as well.

  8. past is the past shes your mother you have to be the bigger person here just forgive her you dont have to talk to her or see her every day or nothing like that try to forget it or get help talk to someone cause i can tell you she feels worst then you

  9. I would not be able to forgive her.  She hurt you so bad physically and now has left emotional scars.  I know it feels my mother did not hit me or do the things your mother did, however when I was around your age I suffered something worse from an uncle.  Now I have nightmares and I cry about it as well.  I suggest getting some professional help with this to heal the scars on the inside.  It is the only way for you to start having an normal life.  Good Luck Sweetie and I wish you all the best.

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