
Will upgrading my RAM speed up my computer that much, my comp has these specs...?

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** Im thinking about upgrading my RAM (Physical memory to 2048 MB, 2x1024MB DDR-SDRAM @ 400MHz)

Mainboard : MSI AMETHYST-M

Chipset : ATI RS482

Processor : AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ @ 2200 MHz

Video Card : Nvidia Corp NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT

**PHYSICAL MEMORY : 2048 MB (4 x 512 DDR-SDRAM @ 200MHz)





  1. well 400 is as fast of ram as you can put in that motherboard if i looked up the right one. I suggest looking on the board for the model number and looking it up on the manufacture's site to make sure but with it being DDR that is most likely as fast as your going to get.

  2. probably not unless your using photoshop (along with internet, and multiple other programs.) a lot and compressing HUGE files all the time.

    The average person can live off of 512MB of RAM. Though if you are going to be making videos or editing photos but not serious about it then you should get around 1 or 2 GB(you have 2GB).

    If you are a serious video editor and work with after effects or premiere a lot, and you edit photos professionally then you should get more than 3GB.

    Also most video games only require around 512MB and recommend 1GB.

  3. It will considerably

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