
Will using a digital to analog converter for my television reduce the picture quality?

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I have a 1997 Magnavox TV that only has an analog coaxial input on it. If I but the DTV converter box that outputs an analog version of the digital signal, will I lose picture quality? I am NOT comparing the HD versus SD formats of the DTV as I know my TV will not display HD. I guess what I am asking then is, doesn't my CRT physical display pictures analogously just like DLP would once it hits the "display" section? I mean isn't all video formats presented analog so our eyes can see it. So the broadcasting technique (radio, cable, sat) just allows for more information to be sent (extra channels and/or HD) but every TV has to convert it to analog just so you can see it, so you lose some quality and it makes no difference when you do the conversion?




  1. No.  But it won't improve it much, either.  The converter boxes put out good quality analog signals.  You may see an improvement in less noise and fewer ghosts, but in the end, it's the old analog TV we've been watching for years.

    I've done some side by side comparisons between our analog signal off the air and a converter box.  Nobody that I've shown it to has been able to tell the difference . . .

    EDIT for TECH-MAN:  

    These are at demonstrations at speaking engagements the NAB sends me to educate the public on the digital transition and station promotional events.  We are using a two bay bow tie set top antenna on a standard analog set at distances up to 30 miles from the transmitter.  The opinions are from the public at these events.  Granted, we do work to get the best off air signal (many people at home don't), and we are comparing a Full Power Digital Plant (many aren't) to a Full Power Analog plant, but they are off the air comparisons.

    For fringe reception at 60 miles, I would agree with you, but the vast majority of the population are not in fringe areas and there is nothing in this question to infer that this person is in a fringe area.  We do population studies before we design transmitter plants to put the best signal over the target population so, playing the odds, they are not in the B grade contour.

    I did concede in my original answer that there is less noise and ghosts, though . . .

    The original question was does a STB > DEGRADE < the video.  I think you and I are in agreement that the STB's output is on par with some of the best analog video out there.

    BTW - Why don't I see you picking fault with other posters on this forum?

  2. You may lose image quality, in the sense that if the image format is higher than what the display can handle, the signal has to be downconverted for display.

    But you have nothing to compare to. A signal is a signal, whether native 480i or downconverted from 1080i or 720p. If you place an HD display and an SD display side by side, I suppose you'll be able to tell the diff. Since we're talking about losing your analog signal in Feb 2009, there are other issues regarding picture quality (e.g., reception strength and fading) that are more important than image downconversion.

    I have an Insignia box hooked up to an early 1990s Samsung 32" CRT. The picture quality is much improved via digital vs analog. The only thing is that fringe reception for analog (snowy) simply doesn't exist in digital (blockiness or nothing).

  3. ACTUALLY your Digital to Analog converter will ENHANCE the picture !!

    Yeah, it's true.....

    You see, Right now your OLD ANALOG tuner loves to add snow to weak channels....

    And the Digital to Analog converter does not add any snow at all on the DIGITAL Station numbers......

    It's NOISELESS compared to your old TV tuner....

    Remember when we went from tapes and vinyl records to CD AUDIO?

    Well, that's what will happen when you start using the DIGITAL TV stations !

    You'll love know you will....I know you will....'re getting your FEED right off of the Transmitter....go out about 60 miles and prepared to be impressed !

    I about dropped my jaw when a lady in MICHIGAN --60 miles away from THE FORT was easily recieving THE FORT's TV stations CLEARLY !!

    And they could not get good analog from there....

    I've seen the picture quality right off of the ALWAYS is 100% with absolutely no losses whatsoever, so do you really think you will see any difference between analog and digital with such a strong solid, unadulterated signal?

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