
Will using cheaper brand DVDs to burn a dvd make poor quality?

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When using cheaper brand blank DVD's to copy a or burn a movie i bought will it make worse quality?does it matter what brand i use?what brands should i use to burn?im currently using memorex




  1. It ususally doesn't because other brands have differend features such as lightscribe. You'll be fine. =)

  2. Hi Michael,

    We tested a lot of DVDs for our computer business.

    The very best most reliable for burning was Verbatim with Sony coming in a close second.

    At the very bottom of the pack with the most failed burns and most errors was Memorex.

    We are in the process of life testing and after three plus years in storage the only failure to read that we have had so far is a Memorex.


  3. It matters what brand you use.

    Most companies make their discs in a very cheap way which affects the quality of the DVD itself.

    If your asking if the quality will drop after you burn a movie to a cheap DVD, the answer is yes. However, the difference in quality is not noticeable to most people.

    There will also be a difference in how long that cheap DVD will last before it begins to fail, especially if it has been exposed to sunlight.

    Currently, the best DVD's that I know of is made by a company called Mitsui. They are around double the price or more if you're looking to get some serious high grade stuff like gold master DVD's. Oh, and they are not sold in most stores.

    If you're an average user who just wants to watch a movie on DVD, stick to the cheap stuff. But if you are a video and/or audio buff who will notice and appreciate the difference, Mitsui is the way to go.

    Also, if you do not have the equipment to support both the video and sound quality, then there is no reason to look beyond the cheap DVD's.

    Just stay away from Sony(they tend to put spyware on their discs). I can't remember whether it was TDK or Memorex to stay away from.

    I believe another good company is Fuji if I'm not mistaken.

  4. A few years ago, people kept very close track of different brands/models of DVDs because both DVD burners and players were very picky, so you had to make sure that both your burner and player would be able to work with the DVD media.  This is not much of a problem today as most burners and players can work with most (if not all) media.

    The biggest difference today between quality media and cheap media is how long it will last before you start seeing errors on it.  Some cheap media may only last 6 months before starting to decay.  High quality media will last for years.

  5. Have you ever seen a program called "CDSpeed"?

    Get it free off the net or it always included in nero buring software, part of the package. It will tell you the quality of a burn.

    Mr. Clown that says "stay away from SONY disk is "fullachit",

    (spyware in pre-recorded movies.. umm maybe but NEVER heard of) I have over 600 disk here I've made and a fraction 200 or so are sony.. no problems there.

    Right now CMC magnetics make:



    Memorex (complete c**p now)


    Philips (use to make their own, quit and now pay CMC to make them)

    (they make a few other company's brand names)

    Companies for Example PAY CMC to make the disk for them and just slap their name back on the box.. CMC is a CRAPPY and "in it for the Money Only Company.

    Verbatim, Tayio Yuden's (mail order) and Sony are still consumer grade THE BEST!

    Here is a link to visit.. and KNOW it's out of date like 2 years it still has the basics and is about 75-80% still correct..

    With TDK and Maxwell dropping to the 2nd grade spots.

    Yes CMC does indeed make different "grade" disk (I'm guessing it depends on what the name holders want to pay them to get a better price) But brother those memorex are like garbage!

    I bought all the "best' stuff and when I was watching them in my home theatre.. I would still get "pixelization" from time to time.. and it was KILLING me! the guys at put me hip to making better disk and for example:

    I did buy TDK and Memorex and Maxell, why? Because they were CHEAP and I thought UN-LIKE cassettes and tapes a DVD was a "dvd" and it didn't matter!


    Last box of 25 memorex I bought all 25 movies had "problems" went into the trash ALL of THEM, So I got maxwell.. not as bad and still threw about half away... the tdk was on sale at radio shack for $5.99 for 25 and I'm thinking YEAH and name I can trust! (ummm no still about 1/4 made great coasters for my beers)

    Read this also will explain "the codes" for you and differences in Formats:


    I'm NOT sure also which software you use for burning.. but THAT can also make a difference in the quality of your movies. (do lots of reading here)

    One of the best is imgburn, works GREAT!

    Ok man, happy burning.. and once you use a better quality disk and burn it and then TEST it against the others (memorex) you'll see where the money is going, and cheap is not always good.

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