
Will valero stand a chance against manny pacquiao if the match take place on november 8?

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Will valero stand a chance against manny pacquiao if the match take place on november 8?




  1. Its gonna be a good fight, but ill bet on Manny...

  2. i've seen valero fight on you tube, and he is very easy to hit, so manny takes this one easy.

  3. no no  no no no noooooooooo....

    not  a chance.

  4. With the way Pac-Man conditioned himself for the Diaz fight, no way Valero will win! I'll give the edge in power and hand speed to Manny over Valero.

    Although Valero KO's all of his opponents, he's still unproven mostly because he didn't fight the caliber of guys which Manny has fought over the years.

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