
Will votes be rigged and voting machines inaccurate if...?

by Guest66869  |  earlier

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If the Republicans win this election does that automatically mean votes were rigged?

If the Democrats win does that automatically mean all the votes were accurately counted?




  1. The supreme court may have to decide if there are too many hanging chads.

  2. If republicans win, that means the election was rigged.  I don't remember anyone complaining of vote tampering when democrats won the majority of congress in 2006.

  3. If the election is close, the Republicans win. If the election isn't close, the person with the lead wins. That's how vote rigging-works. However, this year the Republicans might have a larger amount of fixed machines, and they might be able to steal non-close elections.

  4. Do you understand why this is said about republicans?

    The ceo of the company that made 80% of the voting machines (diebold) was a major republican party fund raiser.

    Now think of it, if the democrats continued to win elections and the diebold ceo was a democratic fundraiser, would you question things?

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