
Will voting for John McCain turn dormant terrorist-sponsoring states into aggressors?

by Guest33560  |  earlier

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ie: Algeria, Morocco, Egypt and Syria




  1. dormant and terrorist sponsoring?  And how could you be both?


  2. NO, don't be silly

  3. Dormant terrorist-sponsering state is an oxymoron.

  4. No, but voting for Obama will certainly give them the green light. Remember, "I will side with my Muslim brothers"

  5. No.

    To stop aggression, you need to have power, the willingness to use it, and the wisdom of how to use it.

    Remember the problems with Iran (and other countries) when (wishy-washy) Jimmy Carter was President?

  6. Please don't tell me you think that by electing this empty-headed, empty-suit Obama that you think this will appease the terrorists.  If you think that then my assesment of most Americans today as being air-heads is actually true.

    There is no such thing as a "dormant" state of terrorists.  They are all active, and just waiting for opportunities.  They are waiting for weaknesses in the armor to show.  If we elect Obama, surely there will be weaknesses.  Do you understand the mind of these animals?  They think that any kind of appeasement is a weakness...any act of kindness or understanding is a weakness.  It is when they sense this weakness that they will attack.

    They sensed this weakness in Americans when we did nothing for eight years after they  attacked and killed over 800 Americans overeas.  This was during Clinton's administration.  The most Clinton ever did to retaliate was to bomb a useless aspirin factory at night when nobody but a few guards were on duty.  Whoopdeedamn Do!  That is why 9/11 occured.

    They (the terrorists) are afraid that McCain will show the same audacity and power as Bush.  They only understand power and overwhelming power at that.  Like a pack of wild dogs, they recognize the Alpha male as long as he acts like one.  As soon as he shows any signs of weakness (kindness, understanding, etc.) they will attack.

    Elect Obama and expect another 9/11 on steroids.

  7. If GW Bush wasn't reason enough, why would McCain be....

  8. No, but voting for Obama will certainly embolden our enemies around the globe.

    Obama will either be perceived as a secret (or not so secret?) sympathizer to Muslims & other anti-American interests, or will be perceived as so inexperienced and weak on foreign policy and national defense/homeland security as to not be a threat to them.

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