
Will walgreens sell exlax to me?

by  |  earlier

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im 15 n i wont to buy exlax to get to sum friends do u think they will sell it 2 me




  1. y can't they buy it there self and yes they should

  2. I dont see why they wouldnt

  3. Well they sold mineral oil to me without asking ID and mineral oil is a laxative, but I only needed because my doctor told me to put some drops in ear.

  4. Just put Oral-Gel on chewing gum. Its a good prank, hilarious seeing people drool all over themselves and not being able to talk.

  5. Yes they will sell it to you but if you take it or give to someone as a joke, you will regret it. It is very painful. So painful if someone didnt know they took it they would go to the hospital. Very cruel and it isnt recommended even for real constipation.

  6. Yes there is no age limit on buying it like alcohol lol

  7. They'll sell it to you. It's not regulated at all.

  8. I would guess so. Its not a drug or anything sexual and i bet they KNOW you dont want to take it for kicks.. Ha

  9. ha,yes ! they will

  10. yes,  no age limit for that

  11. Sure why's a bad trip for friends.and they will

    figure it out.And what will happen to you?

  12. they should. its walgreens. just act innocent. don't look them in the eyes.

  13. why can't your friends buy exlax.....and by the way if this is for a prank don't do it some people haev died from pranks containing exlax I **** you not no pun intended.   look it up.

  14. If you can find it over the counter, yes.  Otherwise, no


    To get best results, put it in black coffee.  The stronger the coffee, the harder it will be to notice.

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