
Will walking a lot slow down my circumcision healing time?

by  |  earlier

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i'm 18 and I got my circumcision about 11 days ago. I know i was supposed to take it easy, unfortunately i can't get my family to understand. By the afternoon of the circumcision, i had to take my sister shopping and walk around the store. my mom wouldn't let me just sit in my room all day, i had to do yardwork, drive, and all these other chores. it has been pretty painful and i think i'm really slowing down my healing process. i had to fricken move heavy boxes from my garage down stairs, ouch, (how will my family survive when i go to college!) because my family practically relies on me to do everything. after 4 days i even started to bleed a bunch but it stopped after awhile.

do i have any hope of healing? i can't make my family understand my doctors orders (my dad doesn't trust any doctor but his own) to take it easy. will healing take extra long? the swelling did go down though.




  1. i was circumsied when i was born...just try to take it easy for a while and tell them no if they keep bothering you

  2. you'll be fine.  I'm sure it did hurt walking around like that.  I was fine getting out of the hospital and back home, but I sure didn't feel like moving around that much when I got home.  And I didn't for about the next week or so.  

    I don't think your hurt your 'healing' time that much, although the bleeding incident didn't help your cause.  That just means that a scab/scar has to re-form.  And it was from your junk just moving around and pulling on itself.  

    Yeah, you should have taken it easy.  Sounds like your family are a bunch of boorish clods with no consideration.  You should have been allowed to just lounge for about four or five days.

  3. no?

  4. you should go by doctors orders, you don't want those stitches to break

    EDIT: and I was cut but had sensitivity issues down there, except nothing to cover it so it was just annoying, I later restored to lessen the irritation and it worked

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