
Will walmart or other site let me do online prints of copyright images for art project?

by Guest65120  |  earlier

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I have 30 black and white pictures I want to get 4x6 prints of. They are mostly of 50's rockers and some other blues artists. I wanted them to use for an art project but I am afraid almost any site will refuse them because of copyright issues. Anyone know if walmart will print them? If not what other sites might do it?




  1. Why are people so ignorant? Listen, if you yourself cannot take images of any valor, please do not resort to stealing from others.  

  2. No, I would hope that they don't.  The Wal-mart near my house is pretty good. They have asked me several times to prove that I am the photographer before they print my photos. I am a pro but I occasionaly will have prints of my son or test prints done there because they are cheap and down the street. I know  that this is not what you want to hear but as a pro I like to get paid for my work and am thankfull when people or companies respect my copyright. Copyright laws are there for a reason.

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