
Will water, gas, and electricity run out in my lifetime?

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Will water, gas, and electricity run out in my lifetime?




  1. No.

  2. theres 200 years left of fossil fuels left. so i would say no x

  3. Yes.  Without question.  The thing that everybody forgets when looking at environmental issues is population.  Even if we make everything twice as efficient and half as polluting, the population will double in your lifetime and that puts us worse than when we started.


  4. They won't run out in your life time but you will certainly be paying a lot more for them.

  5. ummmm   NO.  the earth is 2/3 water. there is plenty of crude oil left and electricity is manufactured in many differant ways

  6. we can hope.   how much power are we all using right now to sit here and play on the net?  do we really need to be siting here right now typing these words?   the answer is NO.  is that going to stop however?  NO.    why?  because you, me, them, all of us are selfish and that's not going to change until we are forced to change.   this is not my opinion it's fact.     next....

  7. I believe that oil and gas will run out in the next few decades, but water and electricity will not.  Oil is a finite, non-renewable resource and will surely run out someday, but oil and gas are not necessarily required to produce electricity.  We have nuclear plants, as well as wind farms and solar panels that produce electricity.  Therefore, we cannot run out of electricity - ever.  It's up to our governments to fund the construction of new electricity plants and keep supply going.  New technologies are emerging and I can see some exciting new developments on the horizon, one that could substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions especially from automobiles.  The rising cost of oil is a sign that we need to start thinking of new alternatives.

  8. i dont know how old you are. but, if you're young enough, it's always a possibility.

  9. No, but the earth will probably kick us off in our lifetime!

  10. No.  There is enough gas for quite a few generations.  We are a water planet so water is more of a problem of distribution rather than running out.  Electricity won't run out unless we run ouf of fuel and that doesn't sound remotely likely.

  11. You will be living in a cold brush shanty, with nothing to drink.  All automobiles will just sit, rusting away, because there is no gas.  Sure, just keep listening to the Libs, Greenies, and enviro-fascists...they will keep you well informed.

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