
Will we as Americans be able to unite in the near future?

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Will we as Americans be able to unite in the near future?




  1. Yes but only if McCain does not win the election.  Should he win, it will be business as usual. Hillary? Well she might also be business as usual simply because her presidency will be shrouded in constant scrutiny to the point of over shadowing her promises.  The media will be on her every word and move just like Ken Starr was up Bill Clintons backside for 8 years. Right now, I am cautiously optimistic about Obama. I am hoping that if he wins, he will be the real deal and clean the gutter trash out of Washington and Unite this Country.


  3. That is up to all of us.  But I hope that however the next election turns out that we can all unite behind whoever is elected.

  4. as an indian i want to know that, are americans not unite?

    are they divided on the basis of religion or race or any other thinghs.i thought that americans are united,but this question through me in confussion.

  5. If Obama (when Obama) is President, things will improve.

    Racist people will be just recognized for who they are and maybe they will FADE AWAY in the background.

  6. I cant see it. I dont think it will ever happen.

  7. Not unless more muslim extremists decided to crash planes into some buildings.

  8. No, the class divisions are too great, it's the Rich vs.The poor. It's always been that way throught history, the rich few hold the power and the poor suffer. Like gas right now, most of what we are paying for is an government applied tax.

    Now I'm too broke to pay for my oil and the government ends up paying for it anyways.

    Whatever candite the Dems choose there will be division, upper white class liberals like Hillary, Lower to middle class poor blacks like Barak, and Hispanics tend to vote for Hillary.

    It was stupid of them to run in the same race against each other, Obama should have quietly ceded and ran in a few years. He's too young and too controversial.

    Let Hillary have this election and then next time you get your turn. Maybe in eight years I would vite for him, but he's too young, politics is all about experience, and if you don't have any especially with the people that get **** done, he wont be able to affect any of the change he spouts.

    If anything the world is watching this election.......

  9. Not at this time.  Most of our society is all about "whats in it for me" and cares about nothing else.  major changes would need to happen in the way people think.  But the generation of (currently) 30 and under have been raised with the mantra of "I'm special" and their needs, no matter what, surpass anything else going on in society.  It is going  to be difficult to get them to see the big picture.

  10. Lets get this war over with first..then will see if there is a future that we can be united with.

  11. America is diverse and that is one of our

    good attributes.

  12. I do hope so... I'm tired of seeing people fight and violence everywhere. My only hope is that, we, americans, can put aside our differences and come together as a country.

  13. Nope, unless the liberals decide to leave.

  14. Yes

  15. It's depends on your definition of "near"

  16. No.  Our politicians seek to keep us divided and squabbling against each other so we don't turn our attention to the REAL enemy:  them.

    It is a fundamental basis for power:  Keep the subjects (or your enemies) divided and squabbling amongst themselves so that they cannot come after you.

    As long as constituents are divided and categorized by specific interests (women's voting block, black voting block, Hispanic voting block, etc.) there will always be conflict when these two interests collide.

    The one thing that could change this is another catastrophic attack on our homeland (like 9/11).  Those kinds of attacks unite us, for a brief period of time.  (Pearl Harbor did the same thing).   If militant Islam was smart, they'd leave us alone and let us take ourselves down.  They only need to step aside and let it happen.

  17. Perhaps the operative phrase is "as Americans".  I'm willing to bet that "as Americans"  we COULD, but won't unless there is another unifying national crisis.  

    In the context of the the current political season, I don't even think McCain, who is famous for "reaching across the aisle" can unify this country under one banner, but that is the nation WE have created, for better or worse.  

    Hillary is famous as a divisive element in any situation that includes her, and Mr. Obama  is too close to racist warlords to unite anyone besides young idealists who  love that CHANGE word loud and often.

  18. Against the world? Europe? China or the desperate house wives?

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