
Will we cause negative attention being a Bi-racial family in South Africa?

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Visiting Cape Town and driving to Durban next year, My husband is African American myself White from England and we have a daughter of 8.

We are a very happy family wanting to enjoy a vacation will we attract any negative attention with our diversity? Thanks




  1. No not at all Bi racial couples are every where nowadays in South Africa. You also see a lot of White couples with Black adopted children(usually AIDS orphans). I actually think you will receive no special attention at all, so do not worry.

  2. Here in Cape Town there are many mixed race couples and nobody blinks an eye.  

  3. Most South Africans wouldn't even notice.  We hardly even make a big deal of race unless their over 80.  Enjoy your trip! ;)

  4. I doubt if you will cause any negative attention. You see more and more bi-racial couples in South Africa and people across the spectrum is getting used to mixed relationships. The important issue is that you and your family is happy and live your life to the fullest.

  5. People will notice you if that's what you mean. It is still relatively unusuall, especially if your husband is Back rather than coloured(mixed race).

  6. No. Definitely not

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