
Will we colonize Mars any time soon?

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Will we colonize Mars any time soon?




  1. Will we colonize Mars ? probably

    any time soon? Absolutely not

  2. sure in a couple hundred years

  3. The atmosphere is CO2 and it is so cold that there is no plant that will grow thereto recycle the CO2 to O2.  

  4. colony in mars, eh....

    unless if we dont blow the expenses to the martians,

    It would be rather real expensive to colonize mars. we earthlings have to carry every thing to mars, starting from water ending in oxyzen. The expenses will shoot like h**l....

    time will tell......

  5. We will have to.

    While a creature as egocentric as us is on one planet we will be continually endangered.

  6. If by 'soon' you mean within the next few centuries?  No.  It may be another century before we can even get a manned mission there.

  7. nope

  8. Unless we detect a danger to life on Earth from any sort of reason there is no need to hurry up i suppose.

    After all a great amount of funds are required to do these endeavor & that too from people's tax dollars.

    There are already un-ending problems to work with on virtually every country on this planet so it is considered to be wastage of money  if a generous amount has been spent on MARS MISSIONS instead of fixing problems in hand.

    So i suppose, we will not go that fast with the stipulated annual amount fixed for these Missions.


  9. The current NASA plan is they are building and testing a new spacecraft called Orion (previously Crew Exploration Vehicle) which may be operational from about 2014. It will serve as a transport medium to the International Space Station at first but by 2019 it should have transported 4 people to the Earth's Moon. It is known as project Constellation and the American president said in his speech about the said subject, this time we're going to stay, meaning that a base will be built and ran by Solar energy. NASA currently plans a first MARS expedition by 2037 but as I'm sure you know, these dates often slip back or are cancelled all together.We have to wait and see, as well as hope we're all still alive in 2037 to witness such an event.

  10. No, we won't colonize it anytime soon, but we are planning to build a Mars base.  The Moon Base will come first, though.

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