
Will we ever find out.?

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with another inquest going on for Princess Diana. do you think we will ever find out what truly happened, and if the jury find someone guilty what will happen,




  1. When will people realise that the death of diana, a pregnant mentally disturbed serial adultress, and one of her many lovers, was an accident, just that, nothing more. All of this lot dragging out is the result of fayed, a murdering arab arms dealer , whose bitterness results from the many,   rightful denials of a British passport

  2. no, because there will be a cover up to protect those who caused it

  3. We know what happened.  This is a necessary legal process, but the conclusion will be the same as the two police enquiries.

  4. Hi there, I have my own set of beliefs as to what happened to our lovely princess, I think half the population of Great Britain have an idea but don't like to say. One day we will find out probably in about 30 40 yrs just like we found out about JFK and Marylinne Monroe, they cover these things up and frame inocent people and were expected to believe it, well times are changing and people are now asking.

  5. I don't think we will ever know the truth

  6. Will it change your job, will it change your telly station, will it change anything !!!!!

    What the heck does it matter. She was killed while not wearing a seatbelt while being driven by a drunk driver. The lesson should be learned by now

  7. Maybe we're not supposed to find out. Things happen for a reason. She has been gone for 10 years. People should just let her rest in peace. People are asking, was she pregnant? Was she with her lover? I think they should give it a rest. I think her sons have been through enough grief. It's sad what happened, but reliving it isnt good or healthy for people.

  8. I thought there had already been at least two enquiries that had found the as much of the truth as can be found. We only have another one because a paranoid rich man feels it right that the British taxpayer should pay the bill for another one,  that will probably reach the same broad conclusions.

  9. poor diana,she had a ginger son

  10. No Now lets get on with the living, let the dead rest in  peace

  11. NO what ever the out come we will never really get the truth , even more so if there really anything to hide ..........

  12. Going over it time and time again isn't going to take away the fact that she was killed in a car crash. End of story.

  13. Not a chance,  it should be put to bed.  Fill the papers with onew news.

  14. Nothings gonna happen. We may all have ideas on what happened but we won't get any other conclusion than the one there already is.

  15. will we ever care

  16. It's so ridiculous going over and over and beating this dead horse.

    It was an awful thing that happened.

    But, I guess the fact that the driver was drunk and on drugs isn't a good enough answer.

    People want it to be this big conspiracy.

    People are killed from drinking and driving everyday, but for some reason, that couldn't happen to Princess Diana, it has to be a million other reasons than what the facts really show.

  17. I sometimes think there is a lot more to it , but its going to be one of those things we will never find out what truly happened.

  18. At the risk of being tiresome, can you please refer to her as Lady Diana, Princess of Wales, she was never a Princess in her own right .. and frankly regardless of what anyone or group says, that idiot al-Fayed will still say she was murdered ..

    the truth has been adequately arrived at already, it's just that cynics will not believe anything except what they want .. take for example the 'conspiracy' theory of 9/11 .. In Australia we have a conspiracy theory that the USA engineered the whole business .. ridiculous? of course! but conspiracists will have their day

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