
Will we ever get rid of hippies?

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If there is one thing I hate its hippies. I thought they were extinct since the 70s, but I guess I was wrong. They have attacked again.




  1. Apparently, you've never been to Berkeley, California.... OR seen the protesters at ANY WTO or G-8 conference !!

    They are BREEDING in every liberal-arts college, and in communes throughout the Pacific Northwest !!

    In your link though I was amused to find they STILL can't find someone to write them an ORIGINAL chant:

    “Hey, hey. Ho, Ho, the war in Iraq has got to go,” they chanted.

    “One, two, three, four. We don’t want your racist war,” another chant went. “Five, six, seven eight. We will not cooperate.”

    “Get up. Get down. There’s an anti-war march in this town.”

  2. What a sad question and a sad bunch of answers.  Whatever happened to a compassionate and loving America?  You'd think the last 8 years would be a wakeup call against hatred and violence, but I guess not.

  3. I have to say something to Melissa D:

    First off, Hippies don't breed, and second, those are not hippies. Hippies believe the planet if becoming overpopulated so they don't have kids or if they do they only have more or 2 max.

    Next to answer the question. Those are not hippies. Look up the definition of hippies. Those are liberal protesters.

    "Hippies", as you call them, will not go away until there is no war. For every stupid, ignorant, biased meat head that shoots small children to "defend" the country you will always have the people who actually find it strange someone thinks it's OK to kill other people.

    I myself don't have time to protest, but all those republicans deserve everything they got if not more. How can anyone (which it directly says in the Bible that one shall never hurt anyone else EVER and most republicans are Christian. You would think they would do what they say they believe) go over and kill someone? What excuse can you make to say "Sure, its ok to kill your son or daughter because the president says so." Even when it goes against every moral and religious belief there is.

    At least show me where in the bible where Jesus says it's ok to kill out of anger or in revenge.

  4. Yes. Just as soon as we get rid of ignorant rednecks.

  5. Unfortunately, no.  Hippies breed, remember?  And once bread, they will continue to pass down their tree hugging over socialist commie opinions from one generation to another, and what's worse, they get worse and worse with each generation.  Go to any local college and you will find them.  Oh, and if not, go spend a week in Cambridge, MA and at Harvard.  They grow like fungus!

  6. no we wont. which i would love to. i am getting sick of seeing them in front of the base i live every weekend. hello you tree hugger thats my home get the **** away. and believe me it is hard not to run them over. i want to soo bad.

    proud navy wife/ brat.

  7. really in my opinion NO

    because people will stand

    to fight for their rights

    such as being a hippie

    people wont let go

    that fast they will try everything

    they can

  8. You can't kill an idea. Peace, man.

  9. If they could, I'm sure you'd find someone else to hate.

  10. Long hair freaky people need not apply? Signs , Signs

  11. meow

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