
Will we ever leave Iraq and go after Bin Laden ?

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Will we ever leave Iraq and go after Bin Laden ?




  1. Not if Bush/McLoser/Cheney have their way..

  2. You can count on having a significant US presence in Iraq and Afghanistan for at least forty years.

    Probably longer because Islamic law was written into Iraq's and Afghanistan's constitutions. So the root of the problem has not been resolved.

    Bin Laden is not important. He is just a thug hiding in a cave and will likely come to a bad end. Killing or arresting him will not resolve any root problems.

  3. Lots of Bin Laden questions tonight!! HE IS DEAD. The largest reward ever placed on a human and do you really someone wouldn't have snitched him out by now?? You can buy a lot of perfect virgins and you wouldn't have to go to heaven to enjoy them!!!

  4. After Bush is gone, we can start doing the right way.

    Or Bin Laden is already captured/dead, and the neocons/PNAC traitors are planning to announce it on or near election day to influence Americans.

  5. We won't leave Iraq for quite a while.

    And Bush will pull BinLaden out of his hat come October, just before the election.

  6. No ,, and I keep telling you,, Bin is in Waco, TX working as a bar tender... safest place for him to be

  7. i thought he was running for president i know somebody muslim is trying to get into the white house

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