
Will we ever reach the day that race is no longer a major issue in America?

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Can we as a whole for get about the past and focus on the present and future? Blacks, will you ever understand that most white people no longer harbor hateful feelings for you? Most are just resentful and unaccepting of the special treatment (i.e. BET, United ***** College Fund, Miss Black America, etc.) that you receive. Also, we are fed up w/ thug culture and the multitude of soceital problems it has bred. Whites, isn't it time to realize that certain things about black culture are just different? That should be common sense with the different ancestral backgrounds we have. Can't we realize that all black people are not gun-toting murderers, robbers, or deviants of any other sort? Who else thinks its time for both races to put this nonsense to bed and move along?




  1. No there will always be raciest.

  2. America is a country of many nationalities. It's hard to look at -- there are a lot of countries with barely any diversity, and I wonder if they are racist? I think since we have so many different races in our country that the whole racist opinion comes down to a more personal level. I think as a whole our country has overcome a lot. We support different races on a big spectrum, and on a lower spectrum the individual may accept a race or be racist towards it. Since everyone has opinions, I think race will always be a personal preference in America. We see interracial couples, and that's a sign that racism has come a long way since the horrible segregation in the early years of the United States. But I do believe there's a long way to go until everyone individually accepts all the different races in America.

  3. Hi acorn,

    In the year 2042 it's been predicted: I will be a minority at the present I am a part of the majority (Caucasian=white & female).  No I  personally don't think so as blacks, Hispanic, American Indians, Hmong, illegally aliens any other race for that matter will always believe that we are against them.  This doesn't matter what color their skin is. Have a good AM.:0)

    Additional Details: all the community member's will have a different opinion on your question: some will agree with you, some won't agree with you, let's not forget the people who will answer (IDK=I don't know), then the trolls, all the smart a$$es, all the rude & childish answers you will receive. In my day and age I would like to see this happen but I think it'll be along time in coming.

  4. a egalitarian America... *snort*, not gonna happen, even if you some how removed the southern states it would still never happen... which is kind of sad actually

  5. Yes, when America won't be an issue for rest of the world.

  6. No, sorry. And I dont really care.

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