
Will we get another BAH payment?

by  |  earlier

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We are scheduled to depart our current command on October 4th. Will we get a portion of BAH in our pay on the 1st? If not, will we be entitled to TLE for the few days that we won't have any household goods and the day we leave (sept. 30th to October 4th)




  1. Sounds like there is something wrong internally with your paperwork. Anything with things like BAH and money, you can always count on some idiot s******g things up.

    Do some tight following up with GPAC or housing or whomever and make sure you get taken care of.

    Sorry i can't help out any more

  2. BAH is paid for the previous month so BAH on October 1st covers Sept 16 to the 30th.  Yes it will be paid and continue to be paid even after checking out of the command.  It will be based on the zip code of that command until he/she checks into the new one then it will be based on that zip code.   He/she will qualify for DLA which starts at $1800 for E4 and below then goes up from there.  He can put in for a travel advance especially if you are driving.  You would qualify for MALT, Per Diem and when he/she arrives TLE.  TLE has a max of $180 per day,if you pay less than that then you get less.  

    Check the LES again because you should have gotten BAH, the only reason why you wouldnt have is because you moved out of military housing and it too awhile for it to be filed and it would be back paid to the date you checked out of housing.   If you are living in housing now then the earliest you will see BAH is October 15th.  if it is PPV then they will receive it and send you a check at the end of the month, so you will not see BAH until Nov 1st.

  3. Your BAH will not change.  Until you sign into your next station, you will continue to receive BAH rated for your previous duty station.  When you sign in, your BAH will change to the new zip-code.

  4. You'll get BAH for your current station until you sign in at your new station.

  5. All you need to do is update the paperwork so that your current command and its current GCAC/IPAC understands that they need to pay you BAH.

    I had a SSgt have this problem, where he needed 3 months backpay for BAH he wasn't given. He came to us from another duty station where he did receive BAH, but then they screwed up the paperwork and stopped paying him his BAH, then made him jump through 1000 hoops to get it started just stay on top of it.

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