
Will we go into World War III?

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If so, when will it start? How long will it last do you think? And who will be most affected?




  1. WW 111 will start with a eithe North Korea Nuking Japan, or Iran nuking Israel not something between India and pakistan as Pakistan has won 4/5 wars against india and India has a no first use nuclear policy

  2. Yeah we will.It will start when we run out of oil.Then, US will attack RUssia and Russia will attack CHina and so on.It wont stop until there is no one to fight any more.

    Most affected will be the big game countries like US,RUssia,Canada,China etc due to their oil needs.

    Then we will attack for food and water. and eventually mankind is gonna destroy its self...

  3. NO.

  4. Yes.

    If so, when will it start?

    When you lie on your bed.

    How long will it last do you think?

    Approximately 7 hours.

    And who will be most affected?

    Hot Dog Bush?

  5. ...China has a land mass about equal to the USA

    ....China has less water, for human consumption than the USA

    (due to government authorized chemical pollution)

    ....China has almost exactly 1 billion more mouths to feed

    ....airable land in China is almost all used up, without drinking water or enough food

    ...China becomes just like the next door neighbor, North Korea

    ....China also claims to be one of the modern world's richest conutries

    ...although China's hospitals are just like 1940 era hospitals in the USA

    (don't try to equivocate that fact by using one hopsital in Shanghai, or one other in Beijing)

    ...China does not spend any unnecessary funds on it's citizens or quality of life

    ...China has saved a lot of money for economic well as a protracted physical confrontation with the West in a fight for land, water and food

  6. I really doubt it's gonna happen, but if it does, China will be a major player (probably against the USA).

    For all you know, if global warming does get a lot worse, the fight could be over water!

    But, coming back to reality, it is really highly unlikely. Who knows what new inventions, revelations are gonna happen in the next few decades?

  7. yes, eventually. probably against asia or something, maybe germany, it shall go on for 10 years, and the guys we're against are probably going to be the most effected.

  8. If we dont start up with Iran here soon.  Then I think it is gonna start in 2013.   That is when North Korea will have the technology to reach any part of the USA with a nuclear missle.   Plus their 5 star general already said that they will attack the USA and invade and destroy it.  THey said they already have plans drawn out and everything.  So a war is gonna happen with them and you better beleive China will be helping them.  Now I dont beleive that N.Korea could every invade the USA it would almost be impossible.  So I think some of it is just fear tactics.  But our people said they will have the technology to bomb us around that year.  So I think all h**l is gonna break loose.  But I hope im wrong.   Also the world will be affected by it.

  9. No..during world war I and II we didnt have the United Nations..I just can't see us getting into another huge war.

    Dude below me..bro..9/11 was a terriost attack not a world war.

  10. If Russia keeps pushing like it has been lately we could possibly get into a pretty big war. I don't see it happening but it's anyones game.

  11. We already there.

    It started for us on 9/11.

    It will take as long as people get it in their heads we are at war with Muslim terrorists and it is not a political game as claim by liberals.

    It will affect us all.  

  12. its just not gonna happen.

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