
Will we have flying cars in 2015? As in Back to the Future?

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Given that its is only SIX AND A BIT years away, I am curious if the inventions featured in the BTTF movies, especially BTTF 2 (set in 2015) will actually be... er... invented!

Flying cars in seven years? Really???

What does anyone else think?





  1. Just imagine how many would die if 45,000 die in auto accidents each year in cars that drive on the ground.

    Just imagine what a flying car would cost ?

    I can vision cars falling out of the skies and into houses.

  2. YES....just go buy a used DeLorean!

  3. They are already here and being used.  I pulled one out of a tree along the side of a road a few years ago.  It turned out that the car was stolen and travelling at high speed when it flew through the air and ended up about 30 ft. off the ground in an ash tree.

    I don't know if they will still be in use in 2015, after all the whole concept of the car is a bit old fashioned.

  4. I doubt it.

    Flying car prototypes have been around for many years. They fail to gain popularity due to several reasons:

    Designing a vehicle that can both fly and drive safely on the highway involves a lot of design compromises, such that the vehicle does not perform either task well.


    Flying a vehicle requires long and expensive lessons.

    There is no way to control the air space if there are 500 million vehicles in the U.S. airspace.

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