
Will we hear Earth crying on Mars?

by Guest10896  |  earlier

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The Earth Cries

On Mars we watch as there on Earth,

The torture has no end.

The Earth is crying to the stars,

She thinks she has no friend.

The sounds are heard, those tortured cries,

By all who care to hear.

And if you ask I'm sure she'll say,

The end is very near.

The northern lights are quite a sight,

They send her cries to stars.

The message that it sends to space,

Is heard up here on Mars.

You drill your holes into her core,

Mosquitos called mankind.

Put in your tubes and suck her blood,

Get all that you can find.

Then use that blood for your own use,

Polute her atmosphere.

And when you've killed our Mother Earth,

You won't be welcomed here.




  1. What Elaine said...

  2. I hear you Dondi, love the poem,makes one think.

  3. What a visual - the world being served up - as a drink. Should it be topped off with a little umbrella (for old time's sake)? ♥

  4. I cry with the Earth.  I love your poem and I hope more and more read it and understand what you are saying.  

    I just bought a bike...I'll be using less of Earth's blood and so will the rest of my family.

  5. Dondi where I am from what some of these people had to say about your profound poem is called "hating".

    Hating-is the act of openly expressing your jealously, envy, or trying to belittle someone/something just because that`s the only thing they are probably good at.

    Your poem shows much concern for our mother earth. People fail to realize that we live a cycle. "The circle of life" If earth is polluted than so are we! We breath the earth, eat from the earth, drink from the earth! We are non-existent without mother earth. We should care for our mother as she has cared and still cares for us!

  6. Gaia will name you her favorite son and sing of you always!

    P.S.  If you've never read C.S.Lewis "Out of the Silent Planet"  I recommend it to you and all the lovers of Mars.

  7. There's nothing wrong with using oil or natural resources because if you think about it, we're animals too, just more advanced. Like any animal we take advantage of our surroundings and adapt. Yes, we may be pushing it, and I agree we probably are, but the thing that individuals can do are all over the web and TV. tips on how to stop hurting the environment are basically everywhere you look. Now, if you're preaching about global warming, you've got it all wrong. Al Gore is a politician, not a scientist, and if that isn't obvious enough than the fact global warming stopped 10 years ago is oblivious.

    So to your question "Will we hear Earth crying on Mars?"

    That's a preposterous idea, humans on mars is very doubtful itself, but even more so a human actually hearing an object that has no emotion cry from millions of miles away.

    So no.


    7 days without soccer makes one weak

  8. Good poem. You seem to be concerned about our earth and have made your feelings into an actual poem that narrates well. I encourage you to keep writing about current issues.

  9. Wow, you MUST publish this! You might not even see this answer since it's so far down but I have to say this. Several people don't know how terrible the things they are doing to Earth are.

    I really feel like I'm on Mars, listening to the Earth as she weeps. Well done! What we would do without poets like you, I don't know. Please continue to write! I REALLY MEAN IT! :)

    Just some spelling corrections: Pollute has two L's, Mosquitoes ends like toes. :)

  10. makes me think...Pink Floyd - Take It Back

    a good poem, a good message. good luck to the poetic community of Mars - keep the mozzies out and you'll do great! =]

  11. What a nice poem! and the message is really good. well done!

    can you please rate the oppening of my epic? (16 lines so far);...

  12. Oh Dondi!  too bad that the technique you have used here (personification) has been taken out of context.   They actually think you are on Mars!  ( as though you would reveal your true locus, local. )  I know where you are... just rambling around in our heads trying to set off some sparks, reignite the flame.

    Whatever happened to the idea that we do not defecate in our beds?.   and do not say "depends"

    I like your poem,  your composition, I like you message and I like your good earth/heart.


    Since those two words are interchangeable,I have  a challenge for you , Dondi, the biology/environmentalist poetry  major.

    write us please  / we travellers  a mission statement. a covenant, we can live by. something jaunty that will roll with the method we move by. The hybrid raft.

    I am unable to do this because by nature I am sardonic, sarcastic and quite without talent. my forte is leaning to the metaphysical,  the  unreliable, and the fabricated.  I hate research. my motto: make it up will not pass muster. .I apologise for my verbosity.  the answer is yes.

  13. Poetry is soaring today.  You have done a special job with this poem.

  14. Poor Earth is crying and only few can hear. This poem needs to be published and read! Many need a wake-up call.

  15. "Hi!"

    Very well Written, structured and said. absolutely brilliant, nice to see someone cares.

    Cheers.  : )

  16. Some where out there--------------------Kudos.

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