
Will we still be as good friends...?

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I hang out with a group of close friends and at the end of the summer, some of us will be going off to college or work, or like me, another school.

Sure I'm excited to be meeting new people, but it worries us that our friendship will just wittle down to the yearly "happy birthday" wall post on Facebook or something. Especially seeing as one I've known one of my friends for 13 years of my 16 year life >_<

I just want to know if there are any people out there who have kept in touch and are still close with their high-school buddies, as I'm a bit worried that we won't be as close any more?




  1. My best friend went to a different school to me,we still kept in touch. She then moved and got married.

    We talk on the phone every week and are always texting. We are now both 33!

    I&#039;m sure you will keep in touch with your friends.

  2. You are not going to like this but no, you probably won&#039;t. Its just you will all be so busy, and will all have such different lives, new friends that the others don&#039;t know, new life experiences that the others don&#039;t have etc. But the good thing is you probably won&#039;t miss it all that much. That is just the way life is. I mean I know right now the very thought is devastating but in a few years months will have passed without talking to them and you won&#039;t even have noticed. Of course a lot of how things turn out is how much effort you put into it, it gets difficult with boyfs/girlfs on the scene but if ye make the effort to meet up once a month or whatever it should help things along a bit.

    Best of luck and just go with the flow!x

  3. I have moved schools a lot so i know probably wat u you are feeling right now.  If you make the effort to stay good friends and get together through out the year you guys will stay close friends. But if you don&#039;tt make the effort and just email them from time to time, you won&#039;t stay as close friends.  SO JUST MAKE THE EFFORT AND U WILL BE FINE

  4. You will still be friends, but the friendship will change. Seeing people every day naturally creates a different relationship from seeing them only once a month or so. But if, when you have some good gossip, or you need a shoulder to cry on, your friends remain the first people you call, there will still be friendship, because that is what it is.  

  5. It will defiantly be different, but you guys will probably stay in touch.  

  6. Hey! Don&#039;t worry at all.  I am a woman who is old enough to be your Mother and I can tell you that I am still very much in contact with five of my high school friends and also some elementary friends!  In fact we have organised reuinions together on various occasions.  This has all happened even though I have lived in three different continents.  It takes just a little bit of thought to keep the friendships alive.  If you really want to do it, you will. Believe me, these friends are still a very big part of my life even though I went on to Uni and moved to foreign parts for work and love.  Best wishes:-)

  7. Yes, unfortunately it will fade out and only your closest pals will stay close.

    You are all spreading your wings and will be meeting new people.

  8. I have the same best friend now that I had 20 years ago, I haven&#039;t really stayed in contact with anyone else though. Go with the flow, you will be fine.

  9. Friends that you are very close to, and that you want to keep the conection with you will.

    As long as you guys want to stay in touch there is nothing stopping you.

    You may not be as close, but you still will be.

    My Mum still talks to her junior school friends, she&#039;s 35 now.

    All it takes is you wanting to.

    But make sure you branch out and make new ones too.

  10. Just forget friends its over

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