
Will we still be driving cars fueled by oil based gasoline in 20 years?

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Will we still be driving cars fueled by oil based gasoline in 20 years?




  1. There are a few alternatives already, but they're not so mainstream yet.

    There are some predictions that the earth's oil reserves won't even last that long.  I have no idea how long the oil is going to last, but even if the prediction is at the lower end of the scale, cars powered by oil are not sustainable in the long term, especially with people in places like China and India beginning to drive more.

    No doubt there will be some in existence, but I would like to think that the majority of (if not all) new cars will use a different fuel technology.  I wonder how much a barrel of oil will be then...?

  2. I agree with the first answerer.  In 2028, you'll still see a lot of 2018 and even 2013 cars on the road.  Lots of those will still run on gas.  But the new 2028s I predict will run on something else.

  3. New cars no, old cars yes.

  4. I don't know about that remember back in the 80's and visioning what the cars would be like in the year 2000.  Automobiles haven't changed all that much with the exception of fuel mileage.

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