
Will wearing glasses make my eyes weaker?

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Alright. For 17 years, I have been farsighted, but did not know until a week or so ago.

I never thought I had a problem because my vision was never blurry. My muscles overworked to focus on everything and they were conditioned for a whole 17 years to do so.

Now that I have started wearing glasses, reading is fathoms easier, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to focus without them on.

Are my natural eyes getting weaker now that they don't have to work as hard? Is that possible? Will i become dependent on my glasses?




  1. My friend had the same, the optician told her that her eyes were loosening up and getting used to the prescription after years of being tense and screwed up to see. Now that's happened she says what used to be clear in the distance when her eyes were working hard is blurry without her glasses so she has realised that she needs them for near and far now. She's got used to wearing them though and it's fine.

  2. your eyes are not getting weaker. they can get weaker as you get older. but most likely you are having so much of an easier time reading with them on, that when you take them off you notice the difference very quickly. just wear them they are all in style now. and better than getting squinting eye wrinkles later

  3. yes your eyes will become dependent on the glasses.And answer to first 2 questions is yes trust me i know im legally blind

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