
Will weed ever become legal in the US?

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My friends and i drove to Canada for the weekend and we walked into a couple cafes and people were openly rolling joints... it was nuts we were just wondering why we have shuch strict rules?




  1. Well it is not legal here yet, it is just a bit more accepted. We are working on getting it decriminalized. As science has proven as a substance that it is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco. Which are both legal, controlled and taxed. It would really be in the interest of governments of both countries to legalize it. Think of all the money spent on in the police force and criminal justice system that could be saved and redirected for more important issues. It really is unconstitutional for it to be illegal. You see you your government is making a lot of money on both ends, so it serves them, (big business & the military) to keep this way. Just keep fighting for your rights!

  2. It will if people ever realize that there's no federal authority to outlaw it in the Constitution.  

  3. idc drugs r horrible for ur body

  4. in light of recent studies it appear that the gov't is doing the right thing by keeping marijuana illegal. 35 separate and independent studies in the UK and north america have determined a causal effect between marijuana use  and adult onset schizophrenia. It appears that the old legend of refer madness actually has a basis in fact. 85% of cases of  adult onset schizophrenia have a history of marijuana use.  

  5. 12 states have already decriminalized marijuana to varying degrees. Half of all Americans think it should be decrimnalized to free up resources for law enforcement to fight real crime. I could go on and on about why it should be legal, but I already have in other Q's here on Yahoo. Search for those and you will find links supporting the decriminalization or outright legalization of marijuana in the US.

    In short, it's only a matter of time until it is legalized. When Americans as a whole decide to stop buying into the propaganda that seeks to perpetualize their ignorance on this issue, it will happen. Ron Paul and Barney Frank have introduced two bills in the House of Representatives: 5842 (medical use) and 5843 (recreational use.)

    The best thing you can do to help end the War on (some) Drugs is become an informed voter!

    Link to an article on the likelihood that marijuana will become legal in the US, contains links to surveys on decriminalization of marijuana in the US.

    Also visit:;;; and

  6. No it would never be if people are wise enough to give up smoking why go backwards for the worse.Smoking is coming down in USA and the Europe with strict restrictions on where to smoke.How can Weed be legalised.

  7. I don't think gov. is going to worry about that right now because of bigger concerns with other things. so probably not... Weed is illegal because it's not taxed.

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