
Will weed killer work after it rained?

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I bought some Ortho weed killer, and put it on my lawn about 9 am yesterday, it said it wasn't supposed to rain for almost 2 days. It rained over an inch last night after midnight. Will the weed killer still work or did I just waste it all? Thanks.




  1. It'll still work but....

    It won't work as well beacause it's been diluted....

    and it will move sideways through the soil, possibly into areas where you don't want it.

  2. Im not sure about Ortho brand, but generally weed killers say to avoid watering the lawn for 24 hrs.  

    Ive come very close to that and it rained, and the weed killer still worked.

    They work pretty fast, wait a little bit, like at least a week, and see what happens.  I wouldnt  go right out today and buy more.  

    I'd like to say something better, but one inch is  a hefty rain.

    Check the side of the container, and see if it mentions watering your lawn = (same as rain) . It should

  3. I would think it would work even better because it would make it go in past the weeds and into the roots even if it waters down the weed killer.

  4. I think it should be fine, if anything the rain just pushed the weed killer even deeper into the ground, and the roots of the plants.

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