
Will white sox win division?

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Will white sox win division?




  1. 50-50 Right now..when I see a half game lead I look at it as a tie...because no team plays more games than the other one..But mark my words if your White sox fail to hold thier lead..they'll still have the Wild Card or if my Twins can't do it they'll have the WC...and we White Sox and Twin fans can both watch and laugh at the Yankees and Red Sox kill each other out of contention

  2. Yes. With the addition of Junior it gives them a clutch hitter they needed. Also the Twins have a majority of their games left to be played on the road due to the presidental convention, which they are a different team on the road.  

  3. I think the Twins will make it interesting but I think the White Sox will pull it off.

  4. well as far as the American league central division goes i would have said that the tigers would take it all at the start of the season however i like the chances of the black sox purely on the fact that they actually made a blockbuster trade at the deadline compared to the cheapskates in the twin cities... regardless of outcome who can blame you for doing your damnedest....

  5. Heck yeah!! Go White Sox!!

  6. I Think they Will Hold of the Twins.

    White Sox have a good bullpen and with the addition to a rejuvenated Ken Griffey Jr. they are poise to run away with the division.  

  7. I think the Sox will win the division more comfortably than most people think. Depsite losing three out of to the Twins, I still feel the Sox are better team. Their pitching is just better.

    Everyone seems to think the Sox needed pitching, but I think their current staff is just fine. Their starters won't blow everyone away but they will give them solid innings and keep them in the game until the bullpen can take over.

    The addition of Griffey only helps them as long as he stays healthy. He wasn't really tested tonight but I think he can still play a decent center field. Plus, returning to the AL might be a mental boost as well. Junior is a first ballot Hall of Famer and he wanted to come to the Sox. So, I think he's really going to focus on doing all he can to help the team win. He wants to go deep into the playoffs and this might be his last chance.

    Once Contreras, Linebrink and Crede come back the Sox should be OK. The only worry is Konerko. He's been hurt but the Griffey trade probably was a shock as well. He's been very productive in the past for the Sox so it's hard to see him struggle, but the slump he's in is hurting the team. I hope he finds a way out of it.  

  8. It's too close to tell right now, Minnesota is only 0.5 games behind the White Sox. You'll just have to wait further into the season to find out.

  9. As long as they don't get overly confident, I think they have a very good chance of doing so.

  10. Oh, yeah, sure they will. Who they got? Only Minnesota is a challenge. Don't know if Junior will help or not, but they should get it.

  11. i dont think so, the twins rotation is loaded with young talent and liriano is back.

  12. Yea i think they'll hold off the twins but you never know because the twins have been a 2nd half team for the past few years.

  13. yes/ and might have all chigo world series...go cubbies

  14. Here are the "Ifs."

    If the White Sox play consistent Offensively and Pitching-wise, then they are a great team that should be feared (since they are old, consistency is hard to get, but maybe when Crede, Linebrink, and Contreras comes back from the DL, they will be consistent?  And maybe not...).

    If the Twins play well on the Road, then it will make it much harder for the White Sox.

    If the White Sox depants the Red Sox in the up and coming series, then it will be the Twins and the White Sox both in the playoffs and it really won't matter.  (I think the Red Sox are not as good as people think this year)

    If the Angels could get a key injury by the time of the playoffs, then I would feel a whole h**l of a lot better about the chances post season.

    But the bottom line is the White Sox will hold off the Twins, but it will be close.

  15. I hope not. They've won enough divisions that it would be nice to give somone else a chance in that division, someone other than Cleveland, Chicago, Minnesota or KC.

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