
Will women ever be looked at as anything but sexual?

by Guest33186  |  earlier

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I know im being a bit broad here but for instance the olympics: They didn't let the girl who sang the national anthem sing on TV instead they brought out some girl who looked good enough for their standards to lip sing while the girl who really was singing it stay in the back. how F'ed up is that. and now because their aren't enough viewers for women's table tennis their asking them to wear skirts and more revealing clothes so that people will watch. Its a sport! is this 2008!?!?!?!?!?!? come on. can u imagine how that little girl felt. "little girl!!!!!!!!" why are we still teaching our daughters that looks out weigh everything else. and its not just china. sorry just a little tiffed about this c**p. will women ever be anything but s*x objects!




  1. Sure they will, once the people making these decisions start facing some consequences for them.

  2. Someday, maybe but to be honest, I don't think so as long as you have red-blooded men in power who want to see women in bikinis all over car & Sports Illustrated magazines.  

  3. not to a mans eye.sorry.its only human/animal wont change that unless you castrate evey one of us.then were would you be.are you g*y?

  4. I couldn't agree more. Women's sports are definitely as competitive. what a retarded thing to say. and for the men answering theres a difference in being attracted to women and treating women like objects. i think that was the whole point here and it is ****** up. looks shouldn't matter when playing a sport or for anything else. i remember when i was younger they made us wear shorts when playing softball and a lot of us wanted to slide into base but we kept getting injured and had to complain several times before they would give us pants, if that doesn't sound ridiculous to you than you must be stupid...or a man. hehe ;)  teach your daughters AND sons better people! shallow shallow world we live in.  by doing these kinds of things we only fuel the problem further and keep teaching the same wrong things over and over again.  

  5. Yes it developed countries when women stop teaching their daughters to behave as such and women themselves value their mind over the size of their ****.  It's a matter of social change, that individuals need to bring onto themselves.  

    China and many third world countries is another issue.  more worried about the selective s*x abortions, honor killing, FGM, women being sold by families so they can feed themselves, the s*x slave market. etc......there are many issues...and a lot of them are large then a little girl not getting to sing. the "ism"

  6. Okay, despite the other answers, there are people out there that are actually concerned about this kind of behavior. I had no idea about the Olympics thing and you should be proud you informed people of this. I, for one, am not teaching my daughter that looks outweigh everything else. In fact, people tell her she's "pretty" so much that I have to (quietly) tell family to focus more on the fact that she's brilliant. I like to tell her how smart she is. I think that's more important. Don't worry, this kind of thing is what separates people. Women perpetuate the problem! If we want women to stop being viewed this way we have to start by fussing at women! not men! Think about it. Girls like Miley Cyrus (spelling?) shouldn't be taking wet t-shirt photos. We need to start informing young girls FROM AN EARLY AGE that they should respect themselves. I wonder a lot about how the media constantly talks about rich women in entertainment (who usually bear a lot of skin) and not rich women in business. Successful women with character need to reach out to the younger generation and become the role models we advocate.

  7. no  

  8. you got a point about that Olympic thing...

    But it would be the same if it was a boy (most probably).

    Also as you have said women have become commercial entities in this commercial world.

  9. I know it's sounds sad but, you have to realize alot of women like the fact that they are being looked at. So much we have job titles such a SUPER MODELS, MISS AMERICA, which women are paid thousands even millions because they look you have to take the good with the bad. America is a very shallow just have to deal with it. A person can get very far on looks alone

  10. Sexism endures in sports and entertainment (particularly in nations like China) much more than in other, more serious fields, of course.

    I suspect that it will change, but it will change predictably slowly.

    EDIT - An obsession with image (gender issues aside) in sports and entertainment is, of course, central to the nature of sports and entertainment.  The point of the industry is getting people to look at stuff, so of course there's going to be a focus on stuff that people want to look at.

  11. s*x, like fear and ignorance, gets the ratings. The nip slips, beaver shots, and other juvenile antics keep happening because it gets a reaction. Some people eat it up, while others are up in *arms* about it. Either way it's attention, and attention means money.

    I don't blame the media. They're in business to make money, and have to play to their audience. Until that audience stops thinking with its hormones, we'll still be seeing the same c**p.

    EDIT: @CAustin -- I've seen more gratuitous T&A shots during women's sports events than just about anywhere else outside of p**n.  Sometimes, to find out what the camera is really trying to tell us, I'll stare at the center of the screen. Most of the time, the camera seems to be saying "hey, never mind what she's saying or doing. That's *far* less important than her t!ts."

  12. Nope, you'll just have to get used to it.

    You can minimize it by "uglying up" I'm sure not too many look at the Rosie O Donnels sexually.

  13. I got a kick out of the line that stated:

    "At the Japanese national championships last year, she played in a daring ensemble of her own design: knee socks, a pleated mini-skirt and a shirt that left one shoulder bare."

    How do you bend over a table in a mini and not expose your bum.. oh, wait, I guess that was the point.

    It's sad that anyone would say that women's events are less competitive, I bet those women don't feel that way.

    No one should have to dress or behave in a sexually suggestive manner to compete in a sporting event.

    I don't have a problem with mandating uniforms that look clean, attractive, and pulled together for the women AND men, but don't say that they should show off more "curves".  Women are more than just a means to stir a man's pants.

    I think it's really just a matter of the committee needing to bring in more money, and not caring what they have to do to get it.

  14. I hate to point this out - despite the guys here playing up to the role of being horney all the time (come on guys its not true and the mucking about isn't helping any lol) - both men and women are watching this - and neither of them were making up enough watchers, once they (the media, the organisers ... so on) do something like this BOTH men and women watch more.

    If this is purely sexual in its nature then that says a lot for the women watching to.

    So you guys - please for dogs sake wake up - stop blaming all the guys, stop blaming the money makers - start changing yourselves if it bothers you that much. Don't try to force change on others - do it peaceful and kind - change yourselves, if its that good others will join in.

    Until then those that make money out of people watching and advertising contracts will do whatever it takes to get more people watching.

  15. The image of the Skinny "perfect" girl did not start showing up till we got television and magazines. So I'd have to say unless we revert back to the industrial revolution age no women shall remain a object to be gawked at and made to feel like they need to do anything to be the "perfect" image.

  16. Here is the flip side to your argument.....

    In women's golf, the LPGA, the players were overwhelmingly overweight and not attractive.  The clothing they wore was not appealing or revealing.  The ratings were abysmal, and as a result, the purses for tournaments were very low.  So much so that the league was in danger of ending.

    Shift forward to the early part of this century.  The young girls entering into the LPGA are gorgeous, and they designed their own, more revealing, attire.  Viewership has never been higher - and as a result, all the tournaments pay much higher to the winners.  The LPGA has never been stronger - and women are making far more money.  

    So - whats more important - getting paid what you deserve for success?  Or holding onto the notion that looks don't matter?  

    I deal in reality - not fantasy....

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