
Will women vote McCain now that there's a women VP?

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Considering McCain's policies are :

- Against women receiving equal pay for equal work

- Pro Choice, that prohibit women to decide for themselves




  1. NO because women are FOR receiving equal pay for equal work and the vast majority of Americans are FOR letting a woman make her own decision. McCain/ Palin are against both so the American people will vote against them and...


  2. I hope not.  I hope people who vote for McCain do it because they believe in his policies.  I must admit that I'm a Democrat and I think it's kind of insulting that they would pick a woman just to get some of Hillary's supporters.  It's as if they think her supporters were just voting for her because she's a woman.

    By the way, I think you meant Pro-Life.  

  3. most likely

  4. I find it absolutely baffling that McCain has had only one brief meeting with Palin before choosing her as his running mate. This was clearly a last minute decision and a knee jerk reaction to the Obama attention from the night before. This is an irresponsible and reckless decision, he hardly even knows her. He’s selection shows me what type of president he will be, decisions will not be made with careful consideration and diplomacy but instead, quick gut reactions will lead the way. Listen, I’m not undermining Palin’s accomplishments, I congratulate her on her historic achievement. However McCain is simply using her as a chess pawn.

    I also don’t agree with her policies and views:

    1. She is pro-war.

    2. She is opposed to reproductive rights for women.

    3. She doesn’t believe in global warming.

    4. She supports big oil and wherever they chose to drill.

    5. She’s a lifetime member of the NRA.

    6. She’s opposed a clean water initiative.

    7. She sued the federal gov. for listing polar bears as an endangered species (why? cause you can’t drill for oil when animals are occupying the land) she’s against wildlife protection.

    …It’s true they would’ve never selected her, if she were a man, it’s pretty insulting to think a position was given to you simply due to your gender…what a gimmick.

    Obama/Biden 08

  5. Nope~the VP he picked sealed the deal on Obama winning :):) yippy!

  6. I'm a woman and I am still not voting for his wrinkly ole butt. Thanks but he is a SCARY man.

  7. Yes.

  8. You meant pro life I am sure. It's a little backwards. Anyway, I will vote for who is best qualified, not what their gender is! Do not generalize all women and what you think they will do or not do. Not fair. It's like women generalizing and saying that all men refuse to ask for directions!

  9. I wouldn't vote for him if he had wonder woman as a vp.    

  10. I think there is some appeal to the fundamentalist vote that McCain has had trouble securing, but it will go no where with the independents and the hoped for crossover Dems that the Reps need to win.

    Palin is more extremist in her right wing views on abortion that the majority of Americans, even those who call themselves prolife.

    Palin wants to make illegal all abortions, even those for rape, incest or life of the woman.

    Consistent, but scary.

  11. I think McCain knows he's dying and won't last 4 years as a stressed President of the United States, especially in these stressful times... He's shooting himself in the foot on purpose, and if he isn't, he's an idiot.  The woman he chose is being accused of fraud, has only been in a political position for, like, less than a year, and she's in charge of Alaska..  C'mon... what's in Alaska besides 200 people and a bunch of oil we're SUPPOSED to be protecting?  Hmm McCain?   I wouldn't vote for him if he promised me a million dollars a year and a life-time supply of abortions...

  12. No they won't.

    He looking for Hilary's voters and since Sarah Palin is Pro-Life. He is going to be severely disappointed come November.

    I wouldn't vote for him any way.


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