
Will women vote for McCain/Palin, because Palin is a woman?

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Republicans, and others say some blacks are voting for Obama because he is black, and only for that reason, so will some women vote McCain/Palin because she is a woman?

What think you?




  1. No that will not happen. Anyone voting for McCain/Palin will do so because they see a real chance for reform in washington, and two honest politicians who can make a real difference.  

  2. There may be some women who do, but it's likely to be very few. Women, like men, vote for the candidate shares their most important values and has the intelligence and strength of character to lead this very complex nation forward into a better future, which generally means a more prosperous, just and secure America.

    The candidate who has the platform that can achieve a more prosperous, just and secure America should prevail if a majority of the voters behave rationally. Otherwise, the election will simply be a popularity contest instead of a good faith determination to choose the best person to lead this very complex country over the next four years.

  3. no way, she is a right wing religious nutjob who wants to take away all rights for women.

    i think she just wants to be VP so she can make sure they drill every drop out of Alaska and her husband in big oil can keep his job.

  4. I will vote for them because they are the right team to do the job in our country.  They are the answer to the changes we need.  

  5. Yes, some uninformed middle aged women will vote for Mccain just because of Palin.

    But- some Hilary supporters who are having second thoughts about voting for THE EMPTY SUIT are easing into voting Mccain, especially now with Sarah at his side. Mccain is fricken' brilliant for picking her. Not only is she well qualified, despite what the ignorant dems say, but she will also win back, like I said before, middle aged Hilary supporters.

  6. I am a woman voting for McCain/Palin. I'm doing it because she matches my views, not because she's a woman.

  7. Why should Hillary supporters vote for Obama because he stole her issues? He will never implement them...he's just a puppet who memorizes speeches.

  8. That is much more likely than their voting for her because she is a man.

    Do I detect a bit of a double-standard out there?  Being First Lady is not Presidential experience!  Anyway, aides answer 3 am phone calls.

  9. Who knows, only time will tell.  I think she has major impact on the "mom vote," based on an article that I read that made a good case for her, but I don't know about the rest.  We'll need to wait until more polling comes out, preferably after a few weeks once she is more exposed to the national media, as she hasn't gotten much publicity yet from her freshness to the scene.

  10. The women in my house are voting for her because she is competent and a Washington outsider..Her being a woman is a bonus.

  11. hopwfully not!!! mccain's so old!! it seems kinda unbalanced b/c she seems relatively young!! (and inexperienced to become the vp) i mean, mccain only met her once before picking her as the vp!!

  12. Let's face it. I am not a dem or rep so keep an open mind when reading this.I am a female and I am all for equal rights. My hat goes off to Palin raising a family and having a corporate and political career. However, I find it embarrassing that the the republicans just insulted their entire party by picking Palin over other qualified republicans. It is not about Obama or Palin being a woman. It is about their party. Again, there were other republicans that earned their wings and they were not given a chance. They could have still did something for Palin later in her career at the right time..Not during desperate times. Not during times when our nation is in a crises. How can we trust a party that make decisions based off gender. And most of all why all of a sudden..They shocked their own and making their own have to defend a woman that they do not know nor the public does not know. All we know that baby could be of incest. And I am not attacking them personally we just don't know them. People who are asking these dishonest republicans to be truthful for once will defend their own to the end. And that is okay but God will look out for the true right human being. Don't even waste your time with them because God apparently is showing them that it is time for change. Obama spoke brilliantly and from the heart in from of 85 million people and it was perfect. The reps tried to attach and call him a rock star but God held the weather up so his message can come across. McCain panicked and picked a woman thinking any woman could beat Obama and any woman can be Hillary. That just goes to show you the mind set of how they view their women. I am not a dem or rep. I just use good common sense. Now...Back To God..Look at who the hurricane parade is raining on now..God is bigger than all of this..And my prayers goes out to all of those in the path of the hurricane that no lives are lost and property are not damaged. however, the damage has already be done to the republican convention...Remember, I am in the middle but my voice keeps is real...real voices..real people...

  13. She seems to be generating new excitement in my circle of friends and acquaintances.  I was for McCain anyway ----however this precious Gem has certainly given me much more gusto for this ticket.


  14. I'm a former Hillary supporter who is insulted that McCain thinks Hillary fans will vote for any woman. The only similarity she has to Hillary is that they both have boweezils. NO! Obama all the way~ I admit I'd love to see a woman as VP (not to mention, President), but this choice has shown me that it has to be the right woman, not just any woman. Palin believes that rape victims shouldn't be allowed to have an abortion. That's despicable - I don't know how any woman could support that, particularly on-the-fence Hillary supporters.

  15. Those people shouldn't be voting at all. People should be voting on the issues. I know MCCain /Palin don't like to talk issues, but that's what intelligent people will vote on in the end.

  16. If they want to be slaves to men, like she will be. What a tool.. LOL

  17. That is just the icing on the cake.  She is a picture of what America is at its best.  

  18. I am not voting Obama\Biden because Obama is a half black man, I could care less. I am voting for him because I believe he loves this country enough to really make an impact on all of our lives, for the better. I would hope that people are not stupid enough to see what Mccain is up to. I love it that there is a woman running for VP, but, it is for the wrong reasons. Mccain made a stupid rash decision that has now cost him the election.  Obama\Biden 08'

  19. She will lose the majority of woman votes once they learn about her.


    * She was elected Alaska 's governor a little over a year and a half ago. Her previous office was mayor of Wasilla, a small town outside Anchorage. She has no foreign policy experience.

        * Palin is strongly anti-choice, opposing abortion even in the case of rape or incest.

        * She supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000.

        * Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.

        * She's doesn't think humans are the cause of climate change.

        * She's solidly in line with John McCain's "Big Oil first" energy policy. She's pushed hard for more oil drilling and says renewables won't be ready for years. She also sued the Bush administration for listing polar bears as an endangered species—she was worried it would interfere with more oil drilling in Alaska.

        * How closely did John McCain vet this choice? He met Sarah Palin once at a meeting. They spoke a second time, last Sunday, when he called her about being vice-president. Then he offered her the position.

    What in the h**l is McCain thinking?  I didn't like him before, I certainly don't like him now, nor do I trust his wisdom or leadership ability.

    As far as Palin:

    I know some of you think she is the second coming (for McCain and the GOP) but personally, her positions make me vomit.


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  20. Will men vote for McCain because he's a man???

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