
Will writing a letter make a difference in saving Darfur?

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Finally peace keeping forces have been sent to Darfur but our government still has to give the situation there the importance it needs. Do you think a letter to one of your representatives can make a difference? I think it can. One letter, one voice, your voice, can reach someone with the influence to do something about the genocide, the violence, the refugees, the desolation.

Please take a second to write a letter to your representatives at

Thank you




  1. If 10% of the registered voters in any Congressional District in the US wrote a letter with the same agenda in mind, then that Representative would have to do what the 10% wanted.  Unfortunately, so few of us get involved in governement at the base level.  Write a letter, Then see what happens.

  2. Instead of writing a letter - why don't you go there yourself?

    If you are not willing to go there and place your life on the line - it must not be that important to you.

  3. Write a letter to the international community to put a stop to violence in Darfur.

  4. Only if they can eat it.

  5. Not really because individual people still have the power to make decisions and having someone give a letter or a demand may just cause into a defensive stand. The United Nations and African Union should be the one taking care of this with all the money we are giving them. We have enough problems of our own. Of course, we cannot just stand by and do nothing but we should not send our own troops out there and just concentrate on winning our current progress in Iraq.

  6. no,try telling the people whos country your invading ,this is a peace keeping force, wake up!!!!!!

  7. If you write a letter to the sitting administration you would have to make two assumptions:  1. that Bush could actually read it, and 2. that d**k Cheney would read it and explain it to him.  

    To send a letter to your representative asking him/her to get involved will get you a form letter thanking you for your correspondence.  Writing a letter to your representative's re-election campaign manager telling him that you will actively campaign for his competitor if they don't take a stand on Darfur may have more results.

  8. YES!!!

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