
Will yahoo start charging a 10 dollar a month fee?

by  |  earlier

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there has been a chain letter in going around saying yahoo will start charging 10 dollars a month soon




  1. Charging for WHAT?  Sounds like yet another false email.

  2. For what?  Email, Answers?  I'm sure it's bogus because there are too many free alternatives to email, financial news and search.

    I'd bolt.

  3. scam,bogus mails, absolute nonsense

  4. That's one way to shut me up. They do, and I won't.

  5. No.  If they did they would go out of business.

  6. If they did, they would go out of business in a very short time.

    They make their money through advertising, based on the number of hits their websites receive.

    If they start charging they would quickly lose their hit count, and consequently they will lose their golden egg, the advertising revenue.

    No executive in Yahoo could be THAT stupid.  

    I can believe it if it was the government, but not in private enterprise.

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