
Will you Boycott the Olympics? And if you do, why?

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Never mind that they (China) deny human rights, fight the UN to allow Mugabe to stay in his reign of terror (so they can supply him his arms of course.) They use lead paint for childrens toys and lead molds in making candies. They make their very young work. They ship rat poison in wheat so it goes into pet food. And lets not forget Tibet.

So are you going to boycott the Olympics? I know these people have worked long and hard to make it there...but in the end, is it worth it?




  1. Yes.  Because I hate all the people who go on  about sports, and run marathons in their sweaty hundreds and thousands, and drive bicycles up and down the pavement because they are too dumb to catch a bus, and play squash with other idiots and eat weird food and pay attention to other jerks doing the hop skip and jump, and clog up the television with other nuisances encouraging children to do the same, and howling about 'facilities' and demanding millions from the taxpayer to build big sheds they can throw a ball about in, and more millions for a big empty stadium where you can spend hours watching physical jerks doing physical jerks and stuff.   If they want to take exercise there should be national work camps where they could all serve the country.  With a shovel.  Or just dig big holes and fill them in.

  2. trying to mobilise the propaganda machine ? idiot!

    there are many just as bad 'western' and developed nations doing bad deeds, but i guess small minded people like you dont read beyond the lines..

    wake up saddo

  3. I really am not a fan of sports or olympics. But think about the athletes from around the world. Why punish them for what the Chinese government is doing.

    If your country pulls out of the Olympics think of the people who have trained for years upon years to get to that point. Their whole life work is gone because of some boycott. Is that fair?

  4. whos gonna pay £500+ for a ticket to china during this credit crunch time. not everyone is made of money

  5. No I wont why should the athletes be punished for something they didn't do.

    The best way to show the Chinese government what you think of them is stop buying cheap goods that means just about every toy or clothing item.

  6. i will treat this olympics the same way as i have always done. not watch this glorirfied school sports day.

    i don't like watching people run about or chuck stuff around, or having a bit of swim. i'd rather watch paint dry

  7. No i won't.......Who Say's they do all the things you describe?.....I only hear what they media tell me and I'm supposed to believe them ?....Unless i here it form the horses mouth or through a personal visit then like many others i will stay out of a country's affairs which i know nothing about......Keep politics out of sports....

  8. NO, i wouldn't boycott the Olympics, remember its all about the games and competitions not politics

  9. They kill cats and dogs for their fur, often skinning them alive

  10. yes i'm boycotting the olympic games..  i love the games normally but  this time its not going to be on my tv for the reasons you have stated.

  11. The Olympics is a global event and the Chinese have done a lot to ensure it goes well. Separate issues are the political ones like Tibet.

    Just because President Bush killed 100,000 Iraqis looking for WMD's

    doesn't mean we should not travel to the US!

  12. Yes I will.

    Why? Because it's on UK TV when the nation is in bed.

    I'm too busy. Sleeping.

  13. yes.   i agree with you. i am not watching the olympics because of the many human rights issues and because of their treatment of animals .they skin cats and dogs alive.

    thousands of people were made homeless due to the building of stadiums.

    factories in bejing have closed because of pollution. will those workers be paid? highly unlikely.

    yes im boycotting the olympics and anything else to do with china is also boycotted. they are barbarians

  14. no , i want to see the smog bound marathon, i also want to see just how the Chinese officials fix events , i want to see the latest drug fuelled races and competitor's protesting that they don't do drugs and who they are, should be fun

  15. No, the money they are to get from the Olympics is already in thier banks anyhow.

    For the rest, buy local. It'll stimulate our economy and help our cies get bigger and ready to SUPPLY China when they implode by self consumption. When they come knocking, we'll be ready and able to supply

  16. I would, because China censors the internet.  I hear they blocked - now that's nutty!

  17. No I would rather boycott the USA for breaking the Geneva convention and all the other war crimes perpetrated at Guantanamo Bay.

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