
Will you Celebrate?

by Guest61676  |  earlier

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As I write this, there are 407 days, 5 hours and 30 minutes left before George Bush leaves office. When that moment comes, will you be celebrating? Will you break out the champagne? Will you dance in the streets? I know it's hard to wait, but we have to be patient. We can do it. Just count the days, the hours and the minutes. Hope is on the way! Will you celebrate?




  1. In all of my life, I have not felt so much disdain and disrespect for a president.  To have someone of his astonishing ignorance holding the most powerful position on the planet has been a continuing nightmare.  I will be very glad indeed when that nightmare ends.  

    As I think about it, the end of his term will be the second happiest event of my life.  The first was the births of my sons.  

    By the way, I hate to bring this up, but the Inauguration is January 20, 2009, which makes it 427 days until he leaves office.  I know.  I know.  Sorry!  Let's meet and party!

  2. OMG>>> I am going to have such a HUGE party... fireworks, alcohol, music, dancing, etc... you name it.

  3. I will be celebrating as soon as he is out!!!!

  4. i don't mind to celebrate but the truth is that he 'll be replaced by another puppet who was chosen by the group and/or corporations! same donkey but wearing a different saddle!  peace

  5. I'm counting the seconds.  What a waste these past years have been under his administration.
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