Five years the drought has lasted now,
two thousand sheep and as many a cow
are as bones scattered about the red dust.
If it don’t rain soon, strewth, I’ll go flamin’
Sunk a dozen or more bores but no water
yet. My dams are near dry waiting for the
big wet.Two of my youngest aint never seen
any rain, we show them pictures of big wets
again and again.
Wer'e at the back O' beyond; six hundred
miles from the coast. It's been seven years,
since we could honestly boast that our
spread could send a thousand cattle all
well bred, way over to Muckadilla where
runs the nearest railhead.
My oath if it don’t rain soon I’m flamein’ givin'
it back to Him, and heading for the coast.
Strewth He wouldn't want a spread that’s all
but done in. A century and a half my family
have battled with this land, now what have I
to leave my kids, a useless fifty thousand
acres of blasted red sand.