
Will you analyze my dream? My son, my niece, and I see a creepy old house and go inside.?

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Once inside the house we begin exploring. Now right off the bat my Niece sees a TV and sits down to watch a movie. My Son and I continue our exploration and come across another TV in another room. He sits down to watch a scary movie and I say no that movie is too scary I can't watch without Shawn (my niece). So I call out to her to come watch with us and she says no she likes her movie. I make Robbie (my son) stop watching and tell him we need to go in with Shawn and watch that TV. He gets up and heads that way and I follow. I, for some reason turn around and see an empty childs rocking chair ROCKING by itself. It scares me and I pick it up and throw it, where it lands against a box with the back resting face down against the box. As I look at the rocking chair it begins to rock again. I run from the room to catch up with Robbie and when we get to where Shawn should be we see she is gone. We yell for her with no response. I wake up. For some reason this really scared me!




  1. okay here's a bit by bit commentary: going into the house means that you may have decided, a the time, to become more introverted. the fact that you feel the urge to stick together in the house could mean the need to stick close to loved ones in the near future. the rocking chair rocking by itself could mean that the rocker (the person rocking the chair) is now gone. as you said you couldn't find your niece, it could mean she got lost. but this is just a dream so don't take it too seriously. bu i'd keep an extra eye on her just in case this dream turns into one of those predicting the futre dreams.

  2. I don't know squat about dreams.  But just have to mention that there is a flu going around out here (Wa.) and everyone who gets it reports having really strange dreams of scary things.  I was dreaming about being chased by monsters.  I guess a 103 fever will do that to you!

  3. You're afraid of losing someone close to you?!

  4. it means that u guys probably argue a lot abt TV at home :D

  5. Okay, the house part may be simple. You are involved with a new house, it is new so at the moment you are having concerns about how it's going. Now for the hard stuff. As for the niece and your son, they are growing up and gradually leaving your life (so to speak) as they get lives of their own. Your niece is older (?) and already has a set life, but your son you're hanging on to (as all we parents do). The rocking chair..that might be a reflection of childhood leaving, you threw it against the wall to try and stop it from happening, but you cannot. Hence it continues to rock.

    Now..the whole tone is one of horror. You even mentioned your son wanted to watch a horror movie. Have you seen that genre recently or talked about it with someone? It doesn't take much to plant a seed in our subconscious.

    What does it all mean? It means your imagination was fed by some information and concerns you have lately and produced a movie for you to watch. There is no reason to fear the dream, for it simply reflects what is going on in your life, but in a way that has been affected by how hard you've been working. Exhaustion has a funny way of surfacing at times.


  6. Next time don't eat cheese before going to bed.

  7. It's your dream so you need to work out what it means to you. We don't know these people, your relationship to them or what is happening in your life.

    Sometimes too what you dream seems to be completely random or triggered by something your saw on TV or Yahoo Answers :-)

    If it was my dream I would think it was about the kids growing up and wanting to go their own way and do their own thing- but hey, it wasn't my dream.

  8. mmmmhhh, buy a new house

  9. the fact that you entered the house probably means you were a burglar in a past life and taking members of your family with you suggests you'd like them to enter a life of crime instead of having to work for a living.

    the kids wanting to watch tv also hints at a stay-at-home lifestyle paid for by selling the stolen goods and as many benefits as possible.

    the rocking chair symbolises the electric chair and the fact that it's empty suggests that your missing niece is already well on the way for her last sitting.

    you throwing the chair is simply an act of aggression against authority.

    i wouldn't be scared though, it's just fate.

    hope this helps :)

  10. This is a pretty easy one.

    You feel like your losing control of your son. He is becoming an independent person and you are afraid you will lose him. This is a perfectly natural anxiety for a parent, just don't let it get the better of you.

  11. My analysis: You had a strange dream.

    My prognosis: You will have more of them.

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